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On getting older

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When I was in college, this is how my typical Saturday would go.


I'd be up at 4 am, so I could be to work at 5 am (I worked at McDonald's). I would work until about noon, then I'd head home.


I've veg around the house until about 3:30, then it would be time to get ready for the LARP (live action role play).


We would LARP from about 5 until midnight, and then we would go to Lil Chef or Shoney's for food.


Afterwards, sometimes a group of people would end up at my townhouse, and we talk until 4 am.


I wonder sometimes how I managed to do that! :twisted:


Now I usually sleep in until about 9 or 10 am, clean the house, run errands. In the evenings, Todd and I will watch a movie, but I'm usually ready to go to sleep by 10 pm.


Sad, isn't it? :heart:

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