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Switch O'Ween 2013 Help!

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Amazon wishlist - http://amzn.com/w/SQH5WXN77PBP


Steam wishlist - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996815045/wishlist


Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/ladywench/


-Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear?

I'm pretty good with tshirts right now.


-Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike?

I love candy corn!! I love 'witch kitsch' decorations (though any type of halloween decorations are awesome, lol). I'm okay for costume supplies, though I could use a really decent witch hat and hat pin to go with it.


-What traditions to you partake in for Halloween?

None at the moment. When I was a kid though, my mom and sister and I were ALWAYS witches for Halloween, and I want to start doing that again, and do that with my daughter once she's old enough, too!


-Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers?

Not in Florida, lol! I always love fun socks though, and arm warmers!


-Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things?

I do, especially baked goods.


-Name some DVDs you wouldn't mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list?

They are in my amazon list, which is at the top of my SW help in my signature :)


-Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them?

We haven't been able to play games in a while, but we love them! We play all kinds - Muchkin, Catan, 7 Wonders are our favorites.


-Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices?

Not that I can think of, but if you see anything fun I wouldn't be opposed!


-If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.)

Nothing is screaming to me.


-Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds.

I love classic sci-fi/fantasy authors - Ray Bradbury is my absolute favorite - so old sci-fi/fantasy stuff would be fun.


-Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes!

Didn't see anything I needed.


-I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)?

I think I'm okay there :)


-How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers?

They're okay. I have a habit of chewing lipstick right off, and I don't like gloss too much. I only ever use Lip Medex balm. For lipstick I wouldn't mind trying Lip Tar, in a nice cool red (blue toned, not orange toned) or dark pink (nothing too bright or light pink, I prefer more of a magenta for pinks)


-Since wishlist links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wishlist links here, so they're readable?

My wishlists are all at the top of the SW help in my sig, as well as my Pinterest for ideas of stuff I like!


-If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge or any other such "ordered online" sweet?

Sure, why not!


-Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK?



-Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild?

Spicy is okay, probably mild or medium.


-Speak to me of jewelry! If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? Details, they make me happy.

Earrings - Surgical Steel only please! I could always use more standard barbell earrings, 18g. I have 11 holes in my ears, lol :) For necklaces, I like choker length for necklaces, though anything is okay, just not super long - anything super long tends to get lost in my cleavage :lol:


-Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends.


-Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library?

I love video games! I have a steam wishlist, which is linked in my blog, in my sig :)


-Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of.

P013. That's really it at the moment, lol.


-Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer?

I've tried a few things, and I don't really need anything from her right now :)


-Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow?

Someday I'd love to garden, and I have the space, but I'm not really sure what I want to do there yet.


-Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for?

Yay! Joann's is always good, as is LUSH, Target, and Amazon.


-Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ?

This Labyrinth print!


-Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself?

Corkboard for above my computer

New undies

Rubbermaid type containers in various sizes


A sturdy notebook for writing inspiration and ideas


-Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like?

Not that I can think of


-Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends.

I don't really like tea.


-Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes?

Nope! I'm at home with a newborn, so no away time here.


-Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee?

I REALLY want to try the Snow Fairy shower gel. I also want to try the Randy Buttercream soap, Brazened Honey mask, and the Mint Julips lip scrub.


-If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive?

I'd love anything video game related. I wouldn't want anything flowery, or super abstract.


-Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents?

Eggnoggin - scrub and perfume oil, Fancy Bread perfume oil, and especially the lip balms - Gingerbread, Peppermint Sugar Cookie, Lemon Custard, and Hot Toddy.


-How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested?

Love, but I have TONS.


-What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving?

Also love, but again, tons! I always like getting good pigmented colored eyeliners, especially pencils right now. I have a few colored eyeliner pencils, but they're not nearly colorful and dark enough for my liking. I want the colors to POP!


-How do you feel about robots?

Robots are fun :)


-If I made fairy, dragon or butterfly wing earrings, would you wear them? If so, which would you prefer?

Probably not, I typically just wear standard barbell earrings right now. Plus with a newborn I'm trying to stay away from dangly things she can rip out of holes in my head :lol:


-Do you prefer to receive whole coffee beans or ground? Also, if you like flavoured blends, what sort of flavours? (caramels, nuts, chocolate, etc.)

I don't like coffee!


-Do you want to be an early accepter or would you prefer your reveal later in the swap, say maybe closer to the deadline?

Whatever my Witch wants :) Part of the fun for me is all the communication and such during the round (so a ninja witch this time is taking a bit getting used to, lol!), but I'm good with whatever my Witch would like to do :wub2:

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