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This is HALLOWEEN...BOOK SWAP Questions

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What's the one book you've always wanted but have never been able to find?

Mine is an unrevised edition (meaning pre 1977, I believe) of John Fowles' The Magus. It's probably my favourite book ever, and I've always wanted to read the unrevised edition to make a comparison between the two, plus it would give me the opportunity to say that I've read it.


Do you have any wishlists you'd like to link to (Goodreads "To Read" shelf, Etsy, Amazon, etc.)?

I have an etsy wishlist (it's in my sig) but no other ones. I love books in general and will pretty much read anything. One thing that I've been thinking about it Stephen King and Lovecraft. I've never read much horro, but I'm open to it and those authors both have such a large catalogue I don't even know where to start.


Coffee? Hot chocolate? Tea?

Hate coffee, but LOVE tea and hot chocolate. I mainly stick with black and chai teas recently but I do love a good green as well. I love flavoured tea, both fruits and other sweet flavours.


Do you collect anything in particular?

Other than books - I collect Doctor Who things and other nerdy elements as I'm going to move out of my parents house next year for grad school so I get to decorate my place in the nerdiest way possible.



What's your fall/Halloween decorating style?

Non-existent. I since I live with my parents and my mother hates holidays (particularly Halloween) we don't really decorate.


What's your fall holiday of choice?

My birthday!!!! Just kidding (well mostly), but I actually love Halloween! And I have a particular fondness for Thanksgiving (in October for us Canadians) because that means we get to have a bunch of family friends over for dinner and a great time!


I have another question: would you welcome books written in languages other than English? If so, which languages?


I'm a heathen and only speak english with a grade 12 level of french, but much prefer english please.


Do you have a Halloween costume that you need anything for?

No plans for dressing up this year. It's not allowed at work nor do I usually go out. I usually end up staying home watching something like Rocky Horror or Carrie.


Is there anything traditionally associated with Autumn/Halloween that you absolutely DO NOT LOVE? (A scent, a flavor, a symbol, etc)

Spiders - hate them. Actually more like terrified of them, but only realistic ones. Cartoony ones I just don't really enjoy.


Do you journal? Do you need a journal? Would you like a Halloween or Autumn themed journal?

I love journaling, well not love necessarily, but I use it to process things and work through depression. Autumn themed would be preferable to halloween, because Autumn is my favourite season (night time autumn with a full moon would be especially awesome).


would you use a cookbook? if so, what themes?

I would. Nerdy themed ones are always good. My dad is celiac so anything gluten free is also fantastic. I don't cook that much myself, but I love to bake so those are usually more in my wheelhouse.


Are there any thematically appropriate books/writers/genres that you've been looking to explore that have not made it into your answers yet? How about new releases you're looking forward to?

I mentioned venturing into horror earlier, but other than that I don't have another specific genre I would like to explore. I'm open to most things.


New releases I'm excited about - Alligent by Veronica Roth and the new Bridget Jones (although I'll borrow that from work as I don't need to own it).


First off...YAY BOOKWORM!!!!! You are awesome!!!!


Weenies: I didn't wait - I knew what I wanted and made an order this morning. I haven't made a lab order in more than a year, so I felt now was the time since the Anne of Green Gables (my sister in literature - seriously one of the greatest connections I've had to a character ever) scent was released. I'm good with weenies now between A world with Octobers and Mictecacihuatl - and I tacked on bottles of Little Pythia, which sounds FANTASTIC, R'yleh, which I've been meaning to pick up for ages, Harvest Moon 2010, which sounds amazing, Lyonesse, which I've never tried and Jareth which I've also never tried.


Free e-books?

I'd love them, I only have a few e-books (seriously less than 10) so any new ones are good with me :)


Used books? - Bring em on!

Books in a series? - Feel free to start me on a new series, or continue me on one I am working on. If it is a new series, book one please! (this is stolen from vanillabean, but fits me perfectly)

Graphic novels? - I quite like them. I have all the serenity ones, and a new star wars omnibus. I'm definitely open to more - literary graphic novels are apparently fantastic so I'm nerdy enough that I'm down for that.

Short story anthologies? - Sure!

Poetry, plays, things that aren't novels? - I do not get along well with poetry unless it is set to music so I definitely prefer novels and graphic novels.


Edward Gorey? I'm not terribly familiar.


Holiday craft related books? I don't really make my crafts holiday themed so not particularly useful.


Halloweenie or fall jewelry? Yes, no, what kind, preferred themes? (note: or if not Halloween or fall, maybe related to your collections or wishlists?) I like autumn themed things like leaves or feathers. Lots of elements and artifacts items are something I would wear for a point of inspiration. I don't really do bracelets on the whole and I can't wear earrings because my ears swell, but rings and necklaces are fine by me :)


What is a book or series that you can re-read over and over again?

I've already mentioned the Magus, but I'll add Anne of Green Gables, Harry Potter and the Mists of Avalon.


Favourite Halloween/Horror Movies and/or Characters? Are you a Freddy Kreuger fan? Jason? Michael Meyers? Amityville Horror?

I'm not a huge horror fan, but I love Rocky Horror, Carrie, the Nightmare Before Christmas, Buffy, and Practical Magic.


No to all the listed characters.


Bath and Body Works?

I'm ambivalent to most BBW. I love the lavender vanilla sleep line (I've got lots of the pillow spray though) and the energy line as well.

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