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Wedding thoughts

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Since my own wedding is 3 months away, my thoughts are pretty much focused on the wedding, and how much crap I still have to do for it.


When I couldn't get to sleep last night, I flipped on the tv, and found the show 'Bridezillas' on which I watched for about 20 minutes.


One of the brides made the comment that 'the wedding is all about the bride, and the groom doesn't matter'.


I'd like to say that it's the first time I've heard that idea, but it's not. I know of several people who felt that way about their own wedding.


Our wedding will be focused not just on me, because honestly it's not just me getting married. It's Todd and I.


Besides, he might get more attention, since he's inviting more people :twisted:


I did get some wedding stuff done - I got the cloaks for the bridal party ordered yesterday, and I'll get them in a couple of weeks, which is awesome.


This weekend, beyond cleaning, I'm going to get my invitations weighed, so I can buy stamps, so I can start to get those finished.

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