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Blah minutia of the Day (updated every so often)

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Halloween ball went well. birthday was okay. ate at cheesecake factory & saw book of life. moved into the new house. still a few bits at old and still arranging stuff here.


my nails broke and I'm all scratched and bruised from moving and trying to lug stuff upstairs.



both midterms done! got a 98 on one and 100 on other. fortunately professor is super nice and keeps her exams straight forward (have her for both classes, didn't know what it would be like)


fetish & fantasy halloween ball friday!I have to sew my corset (haphazardly taking in the chest). Am also buying face paint and practicing painting something sugar skullish. maybe dying my hair red so it has a subtle tint in the sun. maybe getting my nails done with black stilleo glitter claws. need to pick up some fake flowers, rhinestone, & ribbon to embellish my petticoat skirt, face and flower crown a bit more.


have slowly been moving. We still own both houses so haven't diverted mail yet. I'll be glad to finally be completely moved. There's still stuff to be moved, stuff to be turned on at the other house, turned off at this one, and this house to be sold.


I'll probably wait until the day of the dead/my bday to see the book of life. I'm hoping to eat at grand lux & maybe have some dulce de leche cheesecake.



i've been crazy stressed. so much change. so much transition & uncertainty. I like to plan and prepare, but it's good to have to try to be more resilient and flexible. we have to go through group therapy as part of the cousneling program & group therapy class. I've taken it seriously which has been an emotional rollercoaster in addition to the stress of classes






bros' bday party was saturday. good times


miterms this week! I will study! I will pass!




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