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Switch Witch Summer 2013 help - PART TWO!

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Part Two of the SW Summer 2013 questions! Wishlist links are at the beginning of Part One :)


I know that SW isn't about what you get... but could you name one thing you would be heartbroken not to get and one thing you would be a-ok if it didn't make it in your box? (i.e. do you REALLY want perfume oil of some sort, or would you be totally heartbroken if there was no Lush in your box, etc) : I think the stuff I'd really like to get most would be some art supplies from my Amazon wishlist and Lush stuff I'd mentioned from the earlier question about it. That's the stuff I'd be buying for myself anyway at least (and sure will once the round is over...if I can resist the temptation for that long :lol: )


Do you like tarot cards, pendulums and rune stones etc? If so, what type? - I do like Tarot cards, though I don't use them much and tend to be VERY picky about them. I have the Aquarian Tarot (the same type of deck my mom used, it's always been my favorite), and the Shadowscapes Tarot deck & book from Stephanie Pui-Mun Law (one of my favorite artists, I got to meet her at Dragon*con last year!), as well as both the Brian Froud Faerie Oracle decks.


Is there anything small you try to collect from everywhere you visit? Not really.


Would you like something from Empire Edibles? I think I'm okay there!


Do you have any problems with swearing or particularly off-color humor? Nope, but I'd prefer nothing displayable along those lines.


What would you like from the most recent BPAL update? What are you planning on buying for yourself and what would you like to try? Nothing is calling to me from the update.


Opinions on table top games, from cards and board games, to dice and rpgs. What do you like? What don't you like? Favorites? Any classics you like? Do you collect any? I love games! We have a bunch already - though more Munchkin expansions are always welcome!


What style is your sense of humour? I like very silly things.


Is there anything from Australia you would like? eg: snacks (yes, you can ask for Tim Tams!), books, magazines, memorabilia? Not that I can think of, but if it's along the lines of any of the questions answered so far, sure! I've never had Tim Tams so I don't even know if I like those, lol.


Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Yay! Target, Amazon, Joann's and Michaels are all all good here!


Put your mp3 player/online music/itunes/etc on random and list the next 10 songs here:


Truth and Reconcilliation Suite - Halo Soundtrack

March of the Pigs - Nine Inch Nails

Radagast the Brown - The Hobbit Soundtrack

Please Don't Leave Me - Pink

Contact - Daft Punk

Nothing Can Stop the Smooze - My Little Pony (lol)

I Am Stretched on your Grave - Abney Park

Night Surgeon - Repo! The Genetic Opera Sountrack

Learn Me Right - Brave Soundtrack

Of Wolf and Man - Metallica


Heh, I have a WIDE variety of music in my itunes. Almost enough I can listen for an entire week I think O_o


If you happen to find out who yours is, how much would it bother you?


I like the surprise at the end, but if it sneaks out I think I’d be okay 


Is there someone on the forums (within SW or not) who knows you really well and might be able to help with stalking?


Luna2119 is one of my best friends and lives close to me  Also Venneh and nekogrrl I think know me pretty darn well at this point!!


Do you use waxmelts or tarts? If so, which ones do you prefer? I don’t use either


Do you enjoy drinking hot chocolate, and would you like stuff to make it with, or to add to it? I do, but I don’t drink it very often.


Have you ever tried Spoonfudge? Would you enjoy it if your Witch would send you some? Which of the flavors would you like? …why would you do that to me??? So many yummy looking flavors! Cookies and Cream, Cinnamon That’s How We Roll, Salted Caramel, Heavenly Buttercup, Chocolate Coconutty, Lemon Cheesecake, and Brownie Cheesecake all look delicious!!


What's your opinion on Moonalisa? Any favorites or products you'd like to try? I haven’t tried them, and considering all the other wonderful sounding cleansing products I’ve now heard about I think I may try to stay away from this one, lol.


Are there any BPALs that you loved the idea of, the imagery - whether artwork or description - but which didn't work out for you? (I'm asking because if they did, you might mention them elsewhere, but if not, the imagery might be helpful) Not that I can think of.


Ninjas or Pirates? PIRATES!


Werewolves or Vampires? PUPPIES!! I like werewolves 


Zombie or Cthulhu? …I have to choose??


Do you want to receive one big package or a bunch of small ones? Digital stuff all at the end when the box should arrive or as we go? I prefer small ones, and digital whenever, but I’ll be happy with whatever my Witch is good with 


Do you welcome knitted items? If so, what would you like most? (amigurumi, washcloth, socks, shawl, shawlette, scarf, wrist warmers, hat, etc.) Do you have any favorite fibers? How about any fiber allergies? Favorite color for knitted items? Shawls and wrist warmers are fun, though won’t get TONS of use. I’d prefer not to have straight up wool, due to being in Florida and it makes me itchy. I love blues and greens, and black  Or all out rainbow. I love rainbows!


Do you have any symbols or totems that are meaningful to you? I actually like phoenixes a whole lot, though I don't actually own anything with that imagery on it. I def. went through a rebirth of sorts when I met my husband, after losing myself in my previous relationship. There is a card in my Faerie Oracle set that represents the phoenix, too, and it constantly comes up when I use the cards. Mermaids are also big for me, I have one tattooed on my back. And faeries. I swear I can feel I have wings sometimes!


When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? I like to curl up in my room and read, and just be alone and quiet. OR I like to do the opposite and go out with friends for a beer (though that doesn't happen right now). Making art helps, too, so lately I've been trying to focus on that!


Would you like if your witch sent a regional pop/soda? If so, what type (Root beer, creme soda, cola, citrus-flavored, chocolate-flavored, etc...)? No thanks, I'm not really a big soda person!


What is your favorite color? Turquoise!


What is your favorite season? It depends on where I am! I'm typically a summer girl - but FL summers are gods-awful. I adore fall up north, I really miss the fall foliage. And I love a beautiful snowy morning, and miss that sometimes.


If you could live anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would it be? Hawaii. I've been there once, and fell in love with the place. If not there, either Australia or Ireland. I've been to Ireland, have a good bit of Irish ancestry, and I loved it over there. Australia I've never been to, but I've wanted to go there and New Zealand since I was in kindergarten.


-Do you have any long trips coming up? If so, could you use things to occupy yourself? I'm 30 weeks preggo, I don't think I'm going on any trips anywhere anytime soon! :lol:


-I'm going to Jungle Jim's next week (it's basically a massive international food gasm in Ohio, look it up); would anything interest you? No thanks.


-Name three things that you could use, but might not necessarily think to get for yourself? A Nintendo 3DS XL :lol: I could probably use an extra phone charger for my HTC One, a little spiral bound notebook for my desk - I take notes a lot when I'm at my computer, and black and blue Pilot Precise V5 pens in the fine (or ultra fine - I love skinny tips on pens!) point.


-Does anything from the TP Etsy update interest you? Nah


I just found out Oreo is launching ones with watermelon flavor in the USA only. Is it something you would enjoy? I dunno about those...


Is there a particular movie genre that you like (Fantasy? Drama? Romantic Comedy? Musicals? TV-Series, etc), and what format would you prefer: I'm big on getting the Disney movies right now. I know I'll want them for the Goblin, plus I just love them in general myself and keep meaning to buy them but I never do! I have a few already. I prefer actual DVDs at the moment :)


Do you like BPTP clothing? Meh, I don't really have any, and it's never been on my list of stuff to get.


What else do you love from the Trading Post site, and need to have? A locket!!! Especially the Carnival Diabolique one, and the Calico Jack one.


Stuff from Seattle: Not that I can think of


Tattoos: LOVE tattoos, and have one at the moment, a mermaid on my back. I want to get a phoenix that my mom is working on designing on one shoulder, and then...I don't know what on the other shoulder. Either a faerie or a dragon, but nothing cutesy. I also want to get gallifreyan symbols on my feet...either that or Portals, lol. Still deciding on that, too. But a new tattoo is high on my list of things to do!


How do you feel about home-canned goods? Meh


TAL on etsy? I keep thinking about Forumla 2, I'm just not quite sure enough yet. Something about it is really interesting to me. There's only 4 left though, I need to make a decision soon!


-Following up on the Adagio question from earlier, what are you top five wishes, for teas and blends? I don't like tea.


-Do you have anything that you do ritually, every summer? Stay in the AC as much as possible? :lol:


-What are your top five wishes from ThinkGeek? ONLY FIVE?? :lol: If I had to pick 5 things right now, these would prolly be them -









-Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? THIS Vampire castle legos!! SO COOL!!


Do you like audiobooks? If so, do you have/would you like to try Audible? (I'm an addict, myself.) I'm not big on audio books, I get to distracted doing other things then miss half of what I was listening to!


Chocolate: Love? Hate? Allergic? If love, what are your faves? Chocolate is all right :) Though I especially love it in fudgy brownie form ;D


Does the idea of wearing a plant as jewelry give you the warm fuzzies or the heebie jeebies? - Those are adorable! I like the Bryophyllum, and the Hen & Chicks. I'm afraid I'd forget to water them though :lol:


Gourmet popcorn, yes/no?

I'm not much of a gourmet popcorn fan, but I wouldn't mind trying maybe something a little spicy, or something sweet.


I make my own hair gloss, would you like some detangling and very shiny hair gloss made by me? This is a 'cone rich blend, not the least bit natural.

No thanks


I know Canadian chips can be different than others, how does "dill pickle" or "ketchup" sound?

I love ketchup chips!


If you were getting a custom Haus of Gloi blend, what four notes would you choose?

I'd like to try 2 different combinations -

1. - Vanilla Bean and Lemon

2. - Vanilla Bean and Cinnamon Sugar


QUESTION! Do you like Kickstarter? Are there any projects up that you really like?

I do like Kickstarter, but I tend to be fairly picky about what I fund - I've had someone not deliver on rewards before, after I funded a pretty good (for me) amount of money O_o


QUESTION! If you have an Etsy wishlist, what are your top 5 favorite things on there? The price is unimportant, not because I'm rich, but because I'd like some inspiration.


In no particular order...


1. This Derpy Hooves (I love ragdoll type dolls, especially when they are of geeky things! And, you know, Derpy Hooves is just awesome anyway) - Derpy!

2. Sailor Cosmos rag doll! - Cosmos!

3. This Dragon necklace - Dragon

4. This bracelet - Bracelet!

5. This skirt - Skirt!


How do you feel about glitter? does loose glitter make your skin crawl or would you bathe in it?

I love glitter!! Though having a puppy I'd prefer not to actually be glitter bombed, she'd probably eat it.


Do you want/need/like/collect journals? If so, do you prefer lined or unlined?

I do like journals, and would love a fancy unlined one to start art journaling in ^_^


Every package has to have something blue in it. Blue can also be used to describe more risque humor...how would you rate your general sense of humor? Are you strictly PG-13, R-rated, NC-17?

Generally PG13, but I appreciate more risque humor, too.


If I wanted to include something for your fluffball, what would be good, and what should I stay away from?


I have a 60 lb dog named Pirate - she's a pit/boxer/boston terrier mix, and only about 2 years old. She loves edible treats/rawhide, and hard plastic kong type toys - especially the kind you can put treats IN and she has to work to get them. Stay away from stuffed toys, and rope, basically anything fabric/fiber.

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