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BPAL Madness!
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I tend to go through phases where I'm highly interested in one television show, or one series of books.


Currently, it's 7th Heaven.


My husband had watched it much longer than me, and when we started living together, we'd watch it on and off. This winter though, I started to watch it faithfully every Monday.


I found a used copy of Season 1 at a game store, and it sat on my shelf for a while. I picked it up and started watching it a couple of weeks ago.


I was watching it nearly every day, and I went through Season 1 pretty quick, so I went to eBay to find a copy of Season 2.


I, against my better judgement, bid on a copy, and won, and it arrived yesterday. So, there will be lots of 7th Heaven-ness at my house tonight.


I don't know what I'll do after I finish Season 2 though... Season 3 isn't on DVD yet. :twisted:

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