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Fandom Swap!

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Which show(s)/movie(s) you would like as the theme for your package?


1. I would say name a mixture of five favorite fandoms (movies/television shows) that you would like. The package can be a mixture of different fandoms.

Rank in priority of what fandom you’d like the most though.


Game of Thrones


Doctor Who





2. Favorite characters?


Game of Thrones: Arya, Jon Snow, Dany, Tyrion, Bran, Hodor

Sherlock: Sherlock, John

Doctor Who: Four, Ten, Rose, Jack Harkness, Donna, Amy, Clara

Firefly: Mal, Inara, Wash, Simon, Kaylee, Shepherd Book




3. Least favorite characters?


Game of Thrones: Joffrey, Roose Bolton, Theon, Ramsay

Sherlock: Moriarty

Doctor Who: Daleks, Cybermen

Firefly: I don't really dislike any of them!




4. Favorite scent notes? Red Musk, patchouli, tobacco, honey, amber

5. Least favorite scent notes? violet, rose, sweet pea, most foody-type scents

6. Favorite snack item? Popcorn - caramel-covered with cashews & chocolate is quite nummy

(Chocolate may melt in the mail during summer months, so that might not be the best thing to send)

7. Least favorite snack item? black licorice, most other nuts

8. Any allergies? none

9. Favorite flavors? caramel, chocolate, peppermint

10. Hated flavors? spearmint, black licorice

11. Favorite colors? dark blue, dark green, black, dark red (blue-tone)

12. Least favorite colors? orange, yellow, pastels

13. Jewelry preferences? earrings, necklace, pendants - silver-tone

14. Wearable item preferences No preference

15. T-Shirt size XL

16. Wildcard ideas? Uh .... drawing a blank here



Anything else you want your swapper to know? Nothing I can really thing of - just have fun with it!

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