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BPAL Madness!
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I've been so busy, trying to wrap up my work so I can have a couple weeks of travel before I head home, so I've not resized and uploaded many pictures of the last batch of churches. I went to Poitiers on Friday, though, and was completely taken in by the crypt of the 6th century Saint Radegunde (one of my personal heroines, simply because she was an uppity, yet humble, woman). Here's a quickie of me in the crypt, Peony Moon blooming in the candlelight...



...and another of the steep stairs down to the crypt. An amazing place.



The crypt up close. It was beautiful and peaceful.



I'm off to Toulouse on Thursday, hopefully more pics up by then!

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My thoughts exactly! Not that the naughty carvings expedition exterior shots were chopped liver, but crypt lighting really brings out the va-va-voom! :boogie: Enjoy your roaming!

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Thanks, both of you! I call that one the "My cheekbones will kick your ass" picture. Seriously, I need to be lit like that all the time. Someone please follow me around with tray of candles! Maybe I'll send it to the Trading Post. I only brought two t-shirts with me: Peony Moon and Dragon Moon. Bpal is getting some major exposure over here!

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I'm enoying reading all your entries of your adventure! I'm so jealous..next time pllleease take me with you. I dont take up much room, i swear! lol

And yes, you are smokin' hot in that pic, hun..and the crypts are giving me the tingles.

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