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BPAL Madness!
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From: Two, Five & Seven

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Oh dear, I really don't know what happened. I love roses, but couldn't smell them at all in the bottle - just that very sharp wet green vinegary smell a few other unlucky people got. (Which didn't smell at all like grass to me - but a very strong chemical kind of scent, like fake pine.) Wet, still all I got was the sharp grass. Then that started fading out, and I got....soap. A very nice kind of fancy soap, but not really roses. Finally in drydown all I had was soap, but that disappeared very quickly! Especially considering the amount I'd put on. Really no sweetness at all, just sharp green and then sharp soap. I'm baffled. After several hours I did get a little more of a rose scent, but it was quite faint, and sort of light and astringent. It was still more like very nice soap, or very nice bath-powder, rather than flowers. I doubt I'll be buying this again, since those sort of very light sharp astringent scents tend to give me headaches.


Source: Two, Five & Seven

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