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12 Days of Delight

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Posting Question answers here now, so that they can be centrally located-- and so I can ramble all I want. *mwa ha ha* :P

I'll repeat all the questions. The answers may vary from before. They will likely be even longer. It will be a surprise!


Lush: is awesome. Sandstone soap is probably my currently available favorite, but there are lots of other things I love there. Even SLS inclusive things from there would get love here(much to my skin's unhappiness).

Fruitcake: I like homemade fruitcake. We used to make huge batches when I was little. There was very little cake, and mostly nuts and fruits, with a bit of port(?). I'd love to try anyone's homemade fruitcake.


Recipes: I love them. I don't always follow them, but that does not make them any less awesome.


Baked goods: I would have them as a food staple, if I didn't have to deal with the health fallout. I love all the baked goods! Baked goods will be warmly received and quickly eaten. I especially like cookies, and bayou brownies-- we sadly lost the best bayou brownie recipe on earth a looooong time ago in moving, and have been striving to find one as awesome since.


Candies: I like candy. I'm especially fond of gummies and black licorice. Chocolate is always awesome. For homemade candies, fudge and caramel are big winners(if you can make anything beyond that, you are my hero. I tried making taffy once, and ended up with burned hands and blue corkscrew hardcandy. It tasted good, though).


Stuffed Monsters dollies: Are adorable. I went to LadyWench's Etsy store, and those little guys are awesome. :heart:


How do you feel about mini handmade art projects?

I feel that they are awesome.


Kitty toys:

My cats like toys. My cats like catnip. My cats have a habit of destroying anything from the petstore made of fabric or furry stuff. Seriously. They take out shoes. My cats are a small army of incredibly destructive ninja thieves.


If you expressed an openness to candles and/or room scent thingies, would you be okay with something that smells like winter holiday spices, baked goods, and greenery-- even if it says 'Autumn'?

I am. Christmas tree is one of my favorite smells. I must say(since I was the one that asked), I bought one of the candles in question, to test just how winter it is, and it is fabulously winter. I will likely buy one for my Delightee. Which is good, because all of the 'Christmas' candles out so far are not that awesome-- with the exception of the Yankee Candle Spice Cake. That one smelled really good.


On the slightly off chance that I manage to make a Sinterklaas run before the mailing deadline, are there any Dutch/Indonesian food items you might be interested in?

I will buy my things, on the off-chance I make it down there. ;)


Are there any books you've been meaning to read but just never get the chance to?

I'm a book hoarder. I have so many books. I'm in love with the idea of books-- of worlds captured in pages, and the thoughts of thousands of minds and imaginations condensed in to the printed word.

Any books you would like to send my way will be loved and appreciated.

I'm currently working my way through the last four years of Xanth, catching up on the 'Naked' regency series, a Llewellyn's magical almanac that my sister gifted me last year(it has a dragon on it), and I would be reading a biography of Agatha Christie-- except that I've misplaced it.

Books I don't already have that I have been staring at longingly:

Angela Carter's Nights at the circus,The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern-- which I have been wanting to read since before it was even out, but somehow haven't gotten, and Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. There are a bunch more more my amazon list, but those three sprang to mind.



Anything you're particularly wanting from the Lab/Post at the moment?

My wishlist is pretty up-to-date. I will probably buy Witch Dance, Goldenrod Crab Spider, and Tears of Lilith before they come down, but anything on my list would be awesome.


From the Post, I'v been eyeing Spider Silk bath oil and Torn Candy Bag. I was looking at the Dead Leaves and Desolation candle, but I think I may have talked myself down. When/If the Goldfish Pool locket comes back, I may splurge on getting it. :blush:


How about GCs you keep meaning to get but never get around to?

I've been looking at getting a bottle of Baobhan Sith, and testers of the Labyrinth Scents.


Cookbooks! Would you want any?

Sure! Especially if they are about baking, herbs, or have a good recipe for Chicken Tajine-- oh, and anything with gorgeous pictures.


Do you have any fandoms?

I like many things, but I am not super hardcore over anything...I think?

I love Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, JRR Tolkien-- is Miss Marple a fandom? I like a lot of fandoms for their own sake, just because of the hilarious crack they come up with sometimes. There are a lot of anime, manga, book, and TV series that I really enjoy. If you would like a more comprehensive list, just let me know. It will be quite long, though.


Are you interested in any other etailers? If so, name one item from each that you're dying to try.

Haunt: Witch-Wife(anything)

Arcana:Murder Ballad Blues(as perfume)

Conjure Oils: White Tiger

Deep Midnight:Tea with a Dragon(there are other scents listed on my Etsy fav.s)

Midnight Gypsy: Epicurean

Cocoa Pink: Prudence(greasy body oil[hey, that's what it's called :lol: ])

Nocturne Alchemy: I'd love to try something from them, but I have no idea what-- Blood Orange Crystal, maybe?

Possets- Hatshepsut? She was an awesome figure, her perfume could be equally awesome...

Blooddrop-- mystery perfume!(I am such a sucker for grabbag type things)

Moxie Nouveau-- Siren?


That's all of the etailers I haven't tried I can think of.

Seriously, though, I would be thrilled to try anything from anyone I haven't tried. That's pretty much anything not BPAL or Violette Market.


Does anything from Sock Dreams interest you?

Thigh high socks, over the knee socks. I have thick thighs and I think I am developing mankles, or cankles or whatever. My legs are voluptuous and not slender. I like stripey socks, and scrunchy socks, and super long socks, tights, leggings, and the $5 chevron sleeves.



Any movies (holiday or otherwise) that you want to see but never get around to?

Woman in Black

The Raven

the Fall


Do you need any smartphone accessories (case, skin, etc)?

I would love a rubberized hard case for a Samsung Galaxy Note i717, mine broke.


Tea, cocoa, other wintery drinks - interested?

Yes. I love green and white tea. I like black tea, but shouldn't have a lot. Cocoa is awesome, milk drinks are awesome, Punjabi chai is awesome.


Small samples of homemade booze?

That would be really cool. If it was something I could use in recipes(say for baked goods or candies) that would be doubly awesome.


Are there any other swaps you're involved in that may overlap with this one?



QUICK QUESTION: How would everyone feel about a slightly odd holiday specialty, Rosemary Pinenut Brittle? It's a blend of salty/sweet/savory and crunchy and I love it...but it's a bit expensive and labor intensive to make if it won't be met with enthusiasm. You can also opt for a "sample" size with the recipe, since I'll likely make one batch for home eating anyway.

Bring on the Brittle! A small sample with the recipe(if you are okay sharing it)would be absolutely lovely.


Are there any subscriptions/gift cards you would be interested in?

I like giftcards. :D Any music obtaining places or book buying places(though, mostly flesh and blood books, I have no ereader), Etsy, Amazon, does ebay do giftcards? I buy things from Half.com sometimes. Whatever you thought to send would be beyond totally awesome, and find a use, I'm sure.


Would you like anything from Cocoa Pink?


Prudence, Black Kittens, Violet Pixie Dust, Boogeyman-- lots of things sound yummy? The oils sound cool, or lotions, and that 'I'm 29' serum sounds cool.


How do you feel about stationery

I love it. Paper, journals, fine point pens, notecards, stickers-- love it all.


Will gift boxes be welcome?

Boxes are one of my favorite things. you put things it them, and then you open them later and it's just awesome.


Do you need any small things?

I'm kind of guessing that this might not be a question directed at me, since I wrote kind of a novel about small/inexpensive awesome things in the questionnaire, but I'll go for it again! I'm taking 'need' here as things that I would very much like and might not otherwise buy. For things that are small in size that I probably actually *need*(though these are not exactly inexpensive): organic, brown algae extract caplets from the deep sea. Yeah...


Anyways!:D Here are many things that I would love for sure-- which are also small:


loose powder/mineral eyeshadow


string dolls(I had a problem where I was using all my quarters on these and baby Bok Choy boys last year. They are just so cute!)

MP3 downloads/music/mix CDs




lip stain

ATC card packs

stationery(like the kind that's $1-$2 at Michael's or Joann's; I'm totally pleased with those and use them lots)

used books


perfume/EO samples?

a slanted tweezer

makeup brushes(ELF is one of my favorites; their studio line is comparable, if not better than a lot of high end brushes I've tried)

scented candles

tiny nutcrackers


art supplies in general

crochet hooks


apple chips or other dried fruits


If I think of anything else, I will try to add it. But I am seriously easy to please. If you are thinking of it, i will probably love it.


I am A-OK with having an item come later/separately from the big box-- as this is a worrying potentiality on one of the things for my Delightee.


Do you like knitwear?

Yes, I do. I especially like scarves and hats.


Nail polish, yay or nay? What colors if yay?

Yea, polish! I prefer 3free, but almost any color. I've been especially inclined towards metallics lately, and I would love to try those matte ones or a super holo duochrome.


Would you like hand dyed things, particularly scarves? What colors are you most interested in?

I would love hand dyed things, particularly scarves. The colors I would most love would probably be blue-greens, or blue greens combined with anything else-- or maybe something fall colored. I'm easy on this. Scarves are love.


Card Games?

Sure! As I said in thread, I'm not quite sure what, though. But I like games, so card away. :P


Wild rice, maple syrup, red sauce?

I'd love to try LucyBoo's wild rice or maple syrup. I'm assuming that red sauce is made from tomatoes, though, and that would not be my friend, at all. however, if you'd already gotten it, or anything similar, there are other people here who would probably be thrilled if I made them dinner with homemade(and no doubt delicious) sauce.


Anything you might like from Bath&Body Works?

Sinful Vanilla, or any vanilla from there, I think? Lemon, berry, sugarplum, mint, scented things; candles, sweet cinnamon pumpkin and such, and fun-named pocket bacs. I take them when I go teach(some people just don't wash their hands...)and the kids love the funky ones.

No soaps or shower gels, please, as they are not my friend. Hand soap, though, is A-OK, as my hands are constantly getting harshed anyway, poor things.


Would you be interested in short mead packets from Ambrosia Farms?

No, thank you. If you wanted to send yeast and your own recipe that would be cool, though.


Would you like cookie cutters?

Sure! Preferrably metal ones, for durability, but any kind of shapes, especially fancy of unusual-- or really tiny. Or those strange ones that cut out a shape in the middle of the top of sandwich type cookies.


Would you like local honey or other localish products available via my local farmer's market? For that matter, how about infused salts (there's an amazing basalmic salt that a local place does) or vinegars or spice/seasoning packets?

Yes, I would, especially the honeys that the bees went to a certain kind of plant or plant collection, like Marin Wildflower honey, or Eucalyptus honey, or that kind of thing. All the salts, especially infused, especially sea salt infused. Flavored sugars are awesome, too. Woo, vinegar, spices, and seasoning!



What are five of your favorite fruits?

Mandarin, blackberry, raspberry, pummelo, currant(red or black)


What are five of your favorite herbs/spices?

Mint, cilantro, ginger(powdered, mostly, for cooking;love it as a plant, too),cardamom, cinnamon


Are there any recent scents you may want to try?

My greedy, little typing fingers have been very wild and loose about putting things on my wishlist lately. The only things not added as of right now is Miss Addie, which sounds yummy.


Dear Delightee - how do you feel about getting a book that is in the middle of a series. Say, I just finished reading something that looks to be something you would love based on your stated preferences, but it is book 2 (or 20) in a series?

I'm fine with that. :D


Gift Cards?

I could have sworn we covered this, but sure!


Red Cross Fundraiser scents?

I'd like to try Miss Addie, possibly Wars of Venus.

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