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12 Days swap

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No doubt this will have odd formatting as I had to cut and paste questions. BPAL blog, not so userfriendly.


But here are some questions and some answers!


Lush: like lush bath bombs, bubble bars etc. quite a bit. Stuff for the bath is great, and I'm up for anything, including sparkly things, things with glitter and/or herbs/flowers. I don't care! I can always clean up the bathtub afterward!

Fruitcake:Well, I've tried some that was ok, but generally, no.

Recipes: Sure, esp. if it comes with something for the recipe, like a mix or an ingredient.

Baked goods: YES! Would love it! And if you do this, and are willing to share the recipe, that would be wonderful!

Candies: Sure!

Stuffed Monsters dollies: Probably not, though I'm open. I suspect it might be eaten by a dog, though.

">How do you feel about mini handmade art projects?

That would be cool!<

Kitty toys:I have no kitties. I have dogs. Four of them. Who might enjoy kitty toys, but would probably quickly demolish them

If you expressed an openness to candles and/or room scent thingies, would you be okay with something that smells like winter holiday spices, baked goods, and greenery-- even if it says 'Autumn'? Yup! I'm open to any candles scented or not!

On the slightly off chance that I manage to make a Sinterklaas run before the mailing deadline, are there any Dutch/Indonesian food items you might be interested in?

I'd try anything. I like those little caramel things that are like waffles. I LOVE Indonesian food, but can't think if there is anything in particular that would work. But yeah, I'm open!

Are there any books you've been meaning to read but just never get the chance to? Maybe....check my amazon wishlist, but I do buy things quickly. I might be better off trying something you like that's not on my wishlist.

Anything you're particularly wanting from the Lab/Post at the moment? How about GCs you keep meaning to get but never get around to?

Yes, I need to update my wishlist in general, so that will be my next project. Partial bottles in particular are good if you can find them, since I never use a full, but things like strangler fig, the Lion and coyote are some I'm interested in.

Cookbooks! Would you want any?

Maybe if you see something interesting, like Indonesian food or something like that, but I don't use them much. But you know what is similar that I would love? Books on herbs and herbal remedies.

Do you have any fandoms?Not anything that wold be useful

Are you interested in any other etailers? If so, name one item from each that you're dying to try.

">Arcana: any arcana soaps, any of the dry masques, and for perfumes , skeleton key.

Blooddrop: Frau Von Schtinklestein's Partially Completed Barvarian Love Essence

Solstice Scents: if cascade of gold ever comes back, I'd like that. Or Chiffon. Love their little lotions too. Would love something in the scents noted above or Basilica

Haus of Gloi: love their creamy lotions. Samhain would be cool. Or satyr. Or possibly samhain in perfume, too. And Elevenses

Possets: Cleopatra and others.

Does anything from Sock Dreams interest you?

anything and everything! I need some socks on the thinner side to wear with shoes that I wear sockless in the summer. I also need boot sock type socks. I prefer mostly natural fibers. And I had some gingko leaf socks I loved and my puppy ate them---would love a replacement pair!

Any movies (holiday or otherwise) that you want to see but never get around to? I love the Christmas Carol movies. Any of them.

Do you need any smartphone accessories (case, skin, etc)? no

Tea, cocoa, other wintery drinks - interested?

yes! Cocoa, teas (herbal or flavored black or green). spices for mulling

Small samples of homemade booze? Sure!

Are there any other swaps you're involved in that may overlap with this one? Not really, as the halloween mummers swap will be over.

QUICK QUESTION: How would everyone feel about a slightly odd holiday specialty, Rosemary Pinenut Brittle? It's a blend of salty/sweet/savory and crunchy and I love it...but it's a bit expensive and labor intensive to make if it won't be met with enthusiasm. You can also opt for a "sample" size with the recipe, since I'll likely make one batch for home eating anyway.

sounds fabulous! sample size or bigger would be welcome!

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