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Mint Car

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...so yeah, I didn't know what to title this entry so I called it the first thing that popped into my head. I do :heart: The Cure.


Weird Dreams:


I really need to stop reading historical non-fiction before I go to bed. The other night I dreamt that I was a court Lady at Versailles and I was dancing with Louis XVI. His coat was silver and blue silk and it had fleur du lis on it. Anyways, all I remember about the dance was that he kissed me and it was **hot** :twisted: . Yeah, very weird to get a hot kiss from a king who was allegedly socially inept. Even if it was dream-kiss. (For the record, the book was Marie Antoinette: The Journey by Antonia Fraser.)


The other dream I had more recently:


It is the very first day of graduate classes and I'm sitting in a drab, gray room. Suddenly, it's announced that we will have a pop-quiz. On the first day, crap! So I'm freaking out, and I find out that for this quiz we have to pick two songs, write down the lyrics and either analyze or critique them. So my two songs were gonna be "Shady Lane" by Pavement and "This Could Be Love" by Alkaline Trio, only I could not for the life of me remember the damn lyrics..


While I was freaking out, I find that I only have 20 minutes left to complete the quiz and just when I start to panic all over again, I wake up.



Tonight a family friend graduated from art school with a graphic design degree. He even designed the invitations that the school distributed to guests, which I think is awesome.


Anyways, to celebrate we went to have some Korean BBQ. And can I just say? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ :yum: There is no emoticon available that is drool-y enough for me to convey how yummy it was. I'm dragging the boy there next time, not that he'd mind.

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I :shhh: teh Korean BBQ! Love the smokey hair factor after the meal too. :lol:


S'been a while since I've had a "pop quiz/surprise final exam" dream. Those things gimme the heebie jeebies. :boogie:


Oh, and I also :shhh: They Might Be Giants, so I misread your post title as "Mink Car". :lol:

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Ah, yes. My clothes and hair smelled like grilled meats for the entire ride home. The things we go through for good food! :shhh:


The pop quiz dream was even weirder considering I'm a molecular and cell bio concentration and I would never in a million years get to take that quiz :boogie:

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