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a little chili sauce

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just a note - i've now established that red tea (roohiboos or however it's spelled) is truly foul. as in two sips and i had to pour it out. :ack: just FYI.






Yus. Mostly herbs and fruits/veg. I don’t see the point in growing things that can’t be used for more than just looking pretty. Also, I can always use gardening/garden stuffs – desperately need a hand shovel and that kind of stuff. New gloves would be cool, too.


Is there something(s) that you consider too spendy or too frivolous for you to buy for yourself, but that you actually want?


Quite a few things! A shortbread mold with thistles on it, a hello kitty bento box, a sushi rice bowl (hangiri) and cookbook, cheetah print hello kitty purse and wallet on my amazon wish list, any of the cartoon or just plain goofy (eureka, big bang theory, warehouse 13) DVDs on my amazon wishlist.


Candied Nuts? Yus! Especially pecans.

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