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BPAL Madness!
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Scratch me please..oh pllllease..

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Ok, more than a single itch..how about 43 of em?(yes, i counted) :ack: Thats what i get for going canoeing and not applying Deet/Bug Off..i was a feast for many skeeters and the sad thing is I didnt even realize they were biting me.

So i just got done soaking in Aveeno oatmeal bath and it does feel alot better but the urge to tear & scratch my flesh is about to drive me to the brink of madness. I was actually crying cuz it hurt so much yet I had to keep itching away. It doesnt help that most of them are in clusters around my ankles & tops of me feet. Gargh.

This always happens, last year I went canoeing and got into a patch of poison ivy and was in HELL for weeks and now this. Geeez. Maybe I should stick to winter sports and spend my summers indoors knitting g-strings or something. :blush:


Reek of: Devil's Night

Playin' on my ipod: "A Different Kind of Blue" Passengers

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