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SW Q&A - Fall / Halloweenie Round 2012

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Do you like s'mores and s'mores-flavored things? I have never had one. But I'm trying to make a long term lifestyle choice to steer clear of anything sweet and lacking in nutrition, so...


What's the neatest freebie you've gotten? It can be cool or thoughtful or just totally unexpected, and not limited to BPALdom. Awhile back I made an elephant plushie for sunshinedaisybliss's nephew, and by way of thanks she sent me half decants of THE ENTIRE SNAKEPIT :thud: That was pretty epic.


Would you enjoy receiving cute but useful items like colorful kitchen utensils/gadgets, or bento supplies? (boxes, chopsticks, accessories, etc?) What about things like spice mixes (homemade, or Penzey's for example) I have a lot of kitchen stuff (it's a passion), but bento boxes would be thoroughly awesome.


Do you like cute, seasonal or fluffy PJ bottoms? Like they sell at Target, Old Navy (they have had cute Halloween ones!) If so, what size do you wear? I love PJs, but I do kind of already have a whole drawer full so I'm pretty set.


What kind of chocolate do you like? Nuts, no nuts, white,dark, etc? Dark or milk, especially with hazelnut or coconut. Oh, and MisaMisa01 once sent me some Earl Grey tea flavoured chocolate which was incredible.


I live near a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Penzeys! What does your little heart desire from any or all of these places? I have very little knowledge of what you'd get from any of those places, although the fabulous carwoman did send me some Trader Joe's nuts and spices once, which were wonderful.


Are home made foods acceptable or does the idea of eating strange mailed food disturb you? Acceptable yes, as long as they can survive the transit time (and quarantine inspection - anything containing whole seeds is confiscated by Australian quarantine).


I just gave you $20 and sent you into a "has everything" store ala Walmart and told you that you have to come out having spent it all, and none of it on anything you need. What would you buy? Be as specific as possible! These days, baby stuff. Probably stretchy wraps or onesies.


What kind of cuisines do you like? (I mentioned this in my ?aire but curious what my witch may like)And, what are your favorite restaurants? I like Indian, Thai, Mexican, Japanese.


I'm from Canada - is there anything specifically a witchee might like that is only available here? I don't know what type of things would be considered specifically Canadian, but if my witch is from Canada and cares to enlighten me I'd be all for it :D


what are your "fandoms" and would you like a t-shirt from TeeFury if an appropriate one came up? Alice in Wonderland, Firefly, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride.


Do you have an eReader and if so which one? I don't have one yet (except for iPhone, and the screen's a little small to read whole novels comfortably).


Do you like candles, or tart burners, or something? If so, what's your favorite scent to burn? Yes, love them! Hubs and I went to our favourite Christmas store a few weeks ago (it was August, that's how much I love decorating for Christmas) and they had imported a bunch of the big Yankee Candle jar candles in Christmas scents. The Cherries in the Snow, Winter Wonderland and Christmas Cookie ones where all delicious. But with the markup they were charging $50 for them, which is kind of excessive for a candle. Anyway, I digress, but yes I like candles and tarts very much :P


Marzipan? Nooooooo! No, thank you, I find it quite sickening.


Would you be interested in washable/reusable muslin “paper” towels (basically muslin squares hemmed around the edge)? Maybe in some sort of box to put on your kitchen or bathroom counter? These could actually be really useful, especially for baby spew. I hear babies spew a lot.


Do you drink alcohol and if so, would you be OK with your witch sending you homemade infused vodka? Also, does your state allow alcohol to be shipped through the mail? I do drink alcohol, though fairly rarely, but I expect this would have zero chance of making it through customs.


Since it's been mentioned several times, and I've also offered to nacho witch some, would you you like to receive wild rice and or maple syrup? I promise to include recipe ideas with the wild rice. I would love wild rice... might be a bit heavy to ship though, and also likely to be a potential quarantine issue if not commercially packaged I suspect. Sigh. I was lucky enough to receive proper maple syrup from Arlith last round, so I'm set for that.


I have 5 bushels of tomatoes sitting in the kitchen right now that are supposed to turn into red sauce tomorrow, so would anyone like a basic red sauce (spaghetti sauce) to make its way to them? Again, this would be awesome, but shipping...


How would you feel about a taste of (insert witch location here) box? Sounds fun!


Last year, my wonderful witch Alethia adopted a bat for me from batworld.org, a bat rescue and sanctuary. Bat's World Would you be interested in having a bat adopted in your name? That's a sweet idea, any cause that supports animals is always a winner with me.


Some of your favorite artists? Classic and modern? I love Banksy, I think his work is really clever and it has a playfulness that appeals to me in so many ways. Frida Kahlo, Roy Lichtenstein, Brian Froud, Tim Burton. I love Arthur Rackham's illustrations (particularly Alice in Wonderland) and Ronald Searle's cats.


If you could have an image or certain subject painted for you on any type of "canvas" (on a box, on paper, on a canvas, and so on) - could you point your witch to some of these images? If my witch is an artist, what I would love the most is something in her (or his) own style. If the subject matter is inspiring and meaningful to you, I bet I will love it too.


Is there a GC scent that's been on your list for ages but keeps falling off the bottom of your order because of the LEs? This used to be Hermia, but then it got disconned before I could order it so my most eagerly awaited GC is now a HTF :( There's a few other GCs I'd like to get listed in my wishlist... of those, How Doth The Little Crocodile and Croquet are probably the ones I'd prioritise most.


I've been getting into indie nail polish brands recently. What's your favorite indie brand of nail polish? Or what's your favorite mainstream brand of nail polish? Or are you not big on polish? I've only tried one of the BPTP ones so far (Bordello) but I really like their formula. I don't think we really get a lot of 'indie' brands here, I mostly have OPI and Butter London. Honestly though, I love nail polish but I already have a lot of bottles I've never used because I'm hopeless about breaking my nails all the time, and I can never see the point of painting them unless they're in good condition. So 90% of the time they go au naturel even though I love polish :P


Stuffed things: yea or nay? I love handmade stuffed things, because handmade in general is awesome and they have so much personality. Mass-produced stuffed animals I kind of just see as unnecessary clutter at this point.


Mix-in-a-jar? How to you feel about cookie or cake or soup mixes that come in jars and you just add, like, an egg or water or what have you? Sure!


I live near this very cool Retro store (you can order online too) - are there things from it that would make you squee if your witch sent them? Jeez, I'm glad *I* don't live near that store, because I could do serious damage! I love this aesthetic. The fifties style toys and games are especially adorable.


Would you be interested in beer, wine, or other specialty beverages from your Witch's area? Allow me to refer you to my now most common question response: Yes, but shipping and quarantine... Sometimes being international is such a buzzkill. Sorry, future witch :(


Are there any crafts/skills you've wanted to learn but haven't gotten around to? And if so, would you be interested in supplies and tutorials? Yes, there are always things I want to learn! Quilting has been on the list for awhile, and it'd also be cool to learn to make wire-wrapped jewelry. And if somebody could magically teach me to knit intarsia so I can finish off the baby sweater I started four months ago, that'd be just capital.


Who here would be happy to get a lil' sumthin sumthin from Adagio Teas? --> http://www.adagio.com

I do love tea, but having not had any during pregnancy (the rules about how much caffeine is okay and which herbs are safe, not safe, probably safe but nobody knows for sure etc. just made it easier to abstain altogether) my cupboard kind of overfloweth with tea at the moment.


Do you Ravelry? And if so, what's your handle over there? Would you be interested in gift patterns from your queue?

Yes, but I am a very inactive user (HumanFemale is my username). I don't think I have any patterns in a wishlist or anything, but cool patterns would definitely be nice to receive (as long as they're not toooo complex, I'm still pretty novice).


Who likes Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses? I don't know! Never tried 'em. I don't eat too much sweet stuff, but a couple to try might be nice.


What does your kitchen look like? Colors/style? Like this...








Witchee, what are your favorite quotes?

If I could bottle up the sea breeze I would bring it over to your house and turn it loose through your garden

So the hinges on your windows would rust and colour, like the boats pulled up on the sand for the summer

And your sweet clean clothes would go stiff on the line, and there'd be sand in your pockets and nothing on your mind...


(okay, so it's actually a song lyric, but I love that it perfectly reminds me of beach holidays as a kid)


Put your iPod/MP3 player/what-have-you on random and list the first 10 songs it plays!

Heart Lies - The Waifs

Hey Julie - Fountains of Wayne

(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay - Otis Redding

Master Blaster (Jammin') - Stevie Wnder

Black Dog - Led Zeppelin

Take a Picture - Filter

June Hymn - The Decemberists

Cool World - Ross Wilson

From St Kilda to Kings Cross - Paul Kelly

Black Stick - The Cruel Sea


What's one random thing you really like and one random thing you really dislike? Really like: tomatoes, really dislike: jeggings.


Are there any herbs that you haven't been able to lay hands on that I could send you? There's an herbal shop I really like here in NYC called Flower Power (flowerpower.net) that has quite a wide selection. Um... chipotle powder would definitely be appreciated, I have to go to specialty stores to get it here.


If there are no "witchy" shops near you, is there anything I can pick up for you from Enchantments? I'm not against witchery, but neither am I educated in it. I've been interested in TAL oils for awhile, but I'd have no idea what sort of rituals to perform in order to make use of them. If my witch is a witchy witch (that made total sense, right? ;)) it'd be cool if s/he could pass on some basic knowledge.


Hey Witchee! I want to send you a delivery. It could be cupcakes from a local bakery, it could be a singing hugging bear-a-gram, it could be a bouquet of flowers. But it will be something that you need to be there to receive.

a) Are you OK with "special deliveries"? *waggles eyebrows* Uh, I guess? :lol:

B..) Is the address in your questionnaire the best place to reach you for said deliveries? Yup, I expect I'll be fairly housebound for the foreseeable future :P

c) If the delivery requires a phone number (as say, some florists do) would you be OK with that information being tracked down by your Witch or asked of you anonymously? Best just to ask.


What are some things you are OK with receiving gently used or homemade, and some things you absolutely do not want if they are gently used or homemade? I'm pretty okay with anything used/homemade. I mean, I assume you won't be sending me second hand underwear, so... we're cool.


And now a new question: I live near a Mast General Store (mastgeneralstore.com). It has lots of vintage-y toys, southern foods (jams, jellies, spices) and vintage candy. Is there anything I can get for you? All of that sounds pretty damn great :D


Do you have any Fall or Halloween traditions? Halloween is not so much of a thing here (and it falls in spring rather than autumn). Last year I carved a pumpkin and had friends round for dinner just for fun though. Don't think I'll be able to this year (new spawn and all).


Ninjas or Pirates? Pirates.


I have an extra room spray and 2 extra bath oils (one Cephalopod, one Exhibit Hall Fatigue) from Dragon*Con - would anybody like a decant? I've never tried a BPTP bath oil, so if you were my witch I'd definitely be grateful to try a little :)


Witchee, would you like it if I made you a "mix tape" of songs that I think you might like? And if so, would you prefer mp3 or CD format? Sure, I always like getting exposed to different music. Any format is fine.


I know it is totally the wrong season (for most of us), but do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you like to grow? I grew tomatoes and chillies last spring/summer, and hope to do the same this year. I'd love to get a bigger veggie garden going, but don't know that I'll be able to manage it any time soon.


I'm about to be near a Lush store next week, is there anything you might like from there? I really like Lush soaps... the ones I've tried are Karma, Honey I Bathed the Kids, and whatever that delicious citrusy one is. Really, I'd be open to trying anything from Lush.


Songs that you keep meaning to buy but never get round to it? I try to buy them as soon as I think of them, otherwise I completely forget what it was I wanted.


Movies that you love but forgot to put in your questionaire? I have some on my Amazon wishlist I think.


Any favorite Bath & Body Works scents/products? Never tried any, we don't have that store here.


Haus of Gloi is offering custom perfumes - would you like one? What would your ideal blend be? Sure! Anything with some of my win notes should be good.


Any Bath, Body or nutritional type items you would love to try from a Natural and Organic food store (similar to Whole Foods) that you don't buy because they are a bit too pricey? Any natural, gentle baby skincare or bath products would be great. And I am always on the lookout for good SLS & paraben free shampoos and conditioners.


OK, so those of you who said you wouldn't mind receiving (sneakily packaged!) beer or wine: Tell me of your taste preferences. Dry/sweet? Red/white? Lager/ale/porter/stout? Fruit? Spice? Hops? Sour (brettanomyces, etc)? I prefer mellow red wines, lager or pilsner style beers, and dry ciders.


Witchee, will you be gone from your normal mailing address at any point during the round? For five days or so when I have the baby, but otherwise no. And the Mr will still be back and forth to home.


Are you a Disney fan or does even thinking about Disney make your head hurt? If you're into Disney, would you like something from the Happiest Place on Earth ? I love Disney, and hell yes :D


dear witchee, would you, could you use an electric candle warmer? Does this mean like an electric diffuser thingy to melt wax tarts or warm fragrance oils? Sure, that would be handy.


Do you lust after some new socks/tights? Always! I love above-the-knee socks, and I wear fun coloured or patterned tights all the time in the colder months.


are there any of MeiLin's books (e-book or print) you'd be interested in? I think I have all her recipe ones from past rounds, and I've got the first of her novels but haven't managed to read it because I don't have an ereader and reading on the laptop bugs me. So I'm set for the time being.


Are you a gamer (of any sort - video, casual, tabletop) and are there any games you want? Not really, though I do like just regular board games that are fun to play as a group when you have friends or family over.


Would you be interested in BPTP CANDY? Not so much, thanks all the same. It sounds great, but again with the sugar.


Do you like coffee? If so, what kinds? Flavored, fancy, basic? Beans or ground? I do, but I drink it quite seldom. The Mr is a total coffee fiend though.


Would a Starbucks gift card make you happy or do you prefer your local place? Er, I'm not sure we even have any Starbucks left in Melbourne... we have a really big Italian population here, and Starbucks is a pretty long way from what is considered to be coffee in this town. A few opened up at one stage, but they only lasted a couple of years.


CUSTOM-Made Pottery?? yea or nay? coffee mugs, rustic or more elegant? a set of bowls? soap dish? bird feeder? something alltogether different? and lastly, good colors for glazes...? Pottery is great. Um... I could probably use a salad bowl or pitcher the most.


Do you have a forum buddy? Someone who knows you and/or your tastes well enough to answer questions on your behalf? Skyelyric knows me pretty well.


If you are on Livejournal, would you appreciate LJ stuff like paid time, custom userheads, stuff like that? If you are NOT on LJ but are on other sites that have similar paid-for services (Flickr, for example?) would you, and what are those sites/etc? I have one but never use it, so probably not.


A question, witchees: if you are into tarot, what is your favorite card? Probably The Star. Apparently it is connected to Aquarius, and my chart is rampant with Aquarius, so maybe that's why. Or maybe it's just because I really like the BPAL oil for The Star.


And another question: would you like your own set of handmade rune stones or worry stones? No thank you, I wouldn't know how to use them.


Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, or none of the above? Tea is what I drink the most out of those.


Gum, hard candy, soft candy, or none of the above? Gum.


Loose tea or tea bags? Do you need anything for your loose tea? (Filters, presses, etc.) Either is fine, and I'm all set for accompanying paraphernalia :D


If you like tea, what kinds? Flavoured black or white tea, or herbal blends. Not so much green tea or rooibos, I sometimes find them a little bitter.


Do you do Goodreads or LibraryThing or a site like that? If so, can I see your to-read list, please? I use Goodreads but haven't updated in awhile, I'm very behind on reading (I have a pile of uncracked novels waiting patiently).


Zombies; Yay or Nay? Nay


If you have cats, do they like catnip toys? If you have doggies, would they like a super-reinforced canvas toy with a squeaker in it? My cat is one of the ones that does not seem to get any effect from catnip unfortunately. As for dog toys, wow, it would need to be super-reinforced. My dogs and their jaws of doom can even chomp through Kongs if left to their own devices.


If you have kids, what are they into? Hobbies include kicking my liver and arriving fashionably late, it would seem.


How do you feel about wearable knitted lace? Shawls, wraps, and the like? I prefer plainer or chunkier knits to delicate lacy things, they're just more my style.


Looking at the warehouse, I notice that our lovely Greenwoodtree is able to do chart readings and/or forecasts at a very reasonable rate. Is this something you would want? This would be fun, for sure.


I live in Japan. Anything you would be interested in from there? Decorative Japanese papers are gorgeous, I like to use them for handmade cards and such.


Candy Corn: yes, no? Oh, no thank you. I tried some once and it didn't appeal.


WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!!! movies, comedians, black humor, your partner, a comic strip? what? British humour, silly in-jokes my husband and I share, my cat's incredible talent for bitchface.


You are meeting up with someone on a casual lunch/early afternoon thing. This person is someone you want to impress/look good for (for whatever reason, not necessarily romantic, and not necessarily for business either). What would you look like, given the contents of your wardrobe/etc? Probably a patterned dress of some sort (most likely slightly vintagey looking), nice heels from my shoe collection, maybe a hat if I'm feeling inclined or a silk scarf in my hair.


You are to be let loose in a clothing store of your choice, to pick a full outfit, down to the shoes, the accessories, etc. and things would be altered to fit you if needed. What store would that be, and what would you look like? It would probably be from Country Road... a nice knee-length skirt and cute top, a pair of plain ballet flats, and whatever jewelry took my fancy I guess.


You open a box from the post office to reveal the 3 things you want most right now. What are they? (caveats: size doesn't matter, but they have to be tangible/buyable). I'll come back to this one.


The end of this month I'm going to Scarefest, the big horror and paranormal con in Kentucky. (www.scarefest.com) If I were your witch, is there anything you would like from there (skull jewelry, art prints from an artist that catch your eye, etc), or anyone whose autograph or photo or such you would dig? Not sure... let me come back to this too.


What is your holy grail "I'd kill to just have one drop in an imp" bpal scent? I'd like to be able to try The Girl, just to see what all the fuss is about.


Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting? I haven't bought any Weenies or decants - still have to look at the list, but with the baby arriving and the budget tightening, I probably won't get any this year.


if you wear earrings, do you have pierced ears? Yes


My new job is at a consignment store where we have all kinds of designer brands for very reasonable prices. Are there designer clothes/purses/sunglasses that you desire/love? (Give some indication as to your "style" as well. For example, do you like bohemian-style frocks in lavender? Crossbody purses in black? Sunglasses that are round and bug-like?) I do like well made clothes and accessories (which may or may not be branded or 'designer', to be honest it really doesn't matter to me either way) but I'm not one for gratuitous brand-whoring. For example, I like Coach bags, but I've only ever bought the plain leather ones - the the ones plastered all over with the logo arenot my thing. Similarly, I could not take myself seriously in a pair of sunglasses with a giant 'Dior' or 'Chanel' along the arm, I'd just feel like a twat.


In the meantime, let me know what you like to do on the Internet to kill time. Flash games? What are your daily websites/blog visits, or favorite YouTube videos? A couple of craft and design blogs (and the odd food blog for dinner inspiration), news websites, The Oatmeal, Hyperbole and a Half (back in the day anyway, it's been dormant for a long time now), STFU Parents (knowing what NOT to do is important at this point!), occasionally Regretsy if I'm in the mood for snark.


My Little Pony... Cute or meh? I liked the original ones as a kid, I've never seen the TV show but the newer design doesn't appeal to me as much. I do like Roogna's modded ponies though!


Lip balm - tube or tin? Tubes are more convenient. But, I possibly have enough lipbalm to see me through the apocalypse at this point.


Would you like to receive a journal or sketchbook? How about other pretty paper goods like post-its, notepads, bookmarks, letter paper/envelopes? I love stationery, but I do tend to hoard so I'm not sure there's much I *need*. Nice writing paper or notecards are always handy, and I love art supplies.


Are you interested in audiobooks? If so, any specific titles? This would have been great for my train commute when I was working full time, but when the baby's here I doubt I'd get the chance to sit and listen for long enough stretches.


Bar soaps with some scrubby bits, yes or no? Yes, as long as they won't clog the drain!


Do you need any small electronic gadgets like flash drives and the like? No, the Mr is a bona fide IT geek so I already spend too much time tripping over external hard drives and cat 5 cables.


Would you like a pair of knitted socks? That would be wonderful!


Do you have any use for knitted dishcloths, facecloths, etc, especially if they were fandom related? I actually just bought a whole bunch of facecloths recently, with a view to absorbing all manner of infant secretions. Handmade things are always nice though.


Do you subscribe to any sample boxes, and if so, which ones? Would you like to receive some samples? No, I've never got sample boxes - they strike me as potentially wasteful. Honestly I normally end up throwing out a lot of the sample cosmetic stuff I get given with purchases and whatnot.


do you have a problem with nudes??? If not, do you prefer male or female? No issues at all as long as it's not exploitative, male or female are fine.


Paintbox Soapworks: Interested in anything from her? Always! I'd be glad to try the hot process soaps or goat milk creams in particular, as I haven't ordered those myself yet.


are there any other e-tailers you're desperately wanting to try? if so, any specific items/scents/etc? Nothing that immediately comes to mind.


ThinkGeek: anything interesting to you on there? There may be one or two items on my Amazon universal wishlist from there? Can't remember.


What's one thing you want, right now, that you're having difficulty finding? Tensioners for our outdoor rotary clothesline. Well, you asked :lol: I'm a suburban housewife now, this is what my life has become.


Who here is going to be picking up JK Rowling's new book on Thursday? I will hopefully read it at some stage, but I won't be rushing out to grab it - I have a backlog of about 20 or 30 books still to get through. They guilt me relentlessly from my nightstand.


What do you do to take care of yourself when you're having a rough day (sick, life not going your way, whatever)? Warm bubble bath with candlelight, or watching a favourite feelgood movie usually helps.


favorite and least favorite baked goods? Is there such a thing as a bad baked good? :blink: I guess lately I'd lean towards the less sugary and more nutritious though, so stuff with wholemeal flour or wholegrains is good.


what size T-Shirt do you wear (standard AND babydoll)? An S or M in standard (depending on bewbie capacity) and more like an L in babydoll / girly cuts.


I found a fantastic little shop while traveling that had unusual jellies and jams. Would you be interested in trying something like Georgia Moonshine Jelly or TOE Jam (each letter stands for some kind of fruit, I don't remember which ones) or something similar? How about homemade jam in general? Sure, I'll give anything like this a try. I admit I'm having a little trouble getting past the ookiness of the name 'toe jam' though *shudder*


Would you be interested in homemade herbal remedies and tinctures? I guess it would depend what it was. I'm more down with some forms of herbal medicine than others (I totally rate naturopathy, for example, but I think homeopathy is 100% double-hopped horseshit).


Do you use or would like to try loose eyeshadow pigments? I do use them. I'm not wearing much makeup these days (I have nobody to impress but Lucy and she doesn't seem to mind me au naturel) but they're fun to play with every once in awhile.


Is there anything you might want from the latest weenie update (Lab or TP)? I've only taken the briefest look, but the spidery scents sounded really good, as did the bath oils and atmos from the Post. There's nothing I'm desperately desperate for, though.


What's a new company to you that you most want to try a product from or what would be a new product to you that you most want to try (make-up, perfume, or bath/body)? Erm... I heard of CB I Hate Perfume via people mentioning it on the forum, and their stuff sounds interesting.


If you like necklaces, what are some symbols or images that you would love to have a necklace depict? (ex. spiders, skulls, hearts...?) Something featuring a raven would be cool.


If you had a fairy for NYCC, what exclusive scent would you kill to own? Badgers, Miss Ida or Nymphs de Pave all sound really good (probably in that order of preference, too).


What do you think of Shiro Cosmetics Halloween Collection? (www.shirocosmetics.com) The two darker eyeshadows would probably be too dramatic for my complexion, but the lighter ones and the lip gloss are really nice.


The Godiva Halloween Collection: link? Not looking! (Godiva is chocolate, right?) Avoiding temptation ;)


Would you be interested in comic books and if so what ones do you read or what genre of comics are you interested in? Comic books are cool objectively, but really not my thing.




IngenuiTEAs? These sound really useful.


Honeycrisp "Apple Crips" (Dried honeycrisp apples, nothing added.) DO YOU WANT SOME WITCHEE????? Sounds great, but potentially dodgy from a quarantine standpoint.


Design a tea? Not at the moment... avoiding caffeinated beverages while breastfeeding.


FusionSweets? (etsy) I looked at these last round, and looking at their caramels and marshmallows made me drool a little. But, best avoided now due to diabetes scare.


Poe Day? Dark Del merch in general? Alone or Spirits of the Dead sound interesting, but the notes are not dead-cert enough for me to be entirely sure they would work for me.


Kombucha? I looked up what this was, and it scared me a little if I'm honest :lol:


Are you dressing up for Halloween, Witchee? If so, is there anything you're looking for to complete your costume? Nope and nope.


Do you need any accessories for your smartphone (case, skin, etc)? Not at the moment... my iPhone is a bit broken (it's been stuck on silent for 6 months now because I dropped it and it seems I managed to shake loose the wiring from the buttons that control silent mode and volume *facepalm*). I was hoping to get the new iPhone when it came out, but that will have to wait until the finances are a little more in order.

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