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Summer wonders

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It's summer! I know the solstice isn't until a week from today, but I had one marker last night and another one this morning. It's official in my world.


Last night I went outside at dusk and the fireflies are out! I'd seen one or two fireflies in the garden over the weekend, but it was during the daytime and I didn't notice them at night. Last night, at dusk, they were rising up out of the garden and twirling all over. The first sight of hundreds of fireflies waking up for the night always stops me in my tracks, because it is so gorgeous and amazing, especially living here on the prairie. We go through the harsh and barren winter, the mercurical spring, and it's hot and dry a great deal of the time in the summer, but you can go outside on summer nights and watch the stars rise in the sky and watch the fireflies repeat the act as they rise up out of the garden. It's just a miracle.


And when I walked out to check the baby cardinals in their nest this morning, I discovered that the first day lily of the year is blooming in my garden! Day lilies are named appropriately, since each lily lasts but one day, but fortunately they produce a lot of blossoms. The one that's blooming is a pink-peach color and it literally yells "summertime!"

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There were no fireflies in FL. At least not the part that I lived in.

It's almost like I had completely forgotten what magic&miracles looked like until I moved back north.


If I was gauging summer by fireflies and not heat though, I would have to say it's not yet summer even though it's been almost 90.

Not a lightening bug in sight!

(Lucky you ;) )

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There were no fireflies in FL. At least not the part that I lived in.


That's 'cause the mosquitoes ate them. ;)


There's a phenomena that only happens in a few places on the planet where the lightningbugs will blink in sync. One of those places was about a day trip away from us Back East in the Western NC/Eastern TN mountains. We didn't get a chance to see it, unfortunately.


I'm wearing a sweater today. Seems like we got a teaser for summer about a month ago (90 degree weather!) and have since plunged back into a soggy, overcast Spring. ;)


My old measurement for when it is Officially Summer around here? When my kneecaps come out of hiding. But I'm on a supah pale kick lately (plus again with the suddenly brrr! weather), so maybe I should revise to "when my toes come out of hiding".

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There are no fireflies in NY, not where I lived anyway.


The first time I saw them in VA, I thought I was having a stroke. I still get disorientated when I see them. Sure they're pretty but when they first show up I freak.


And I know it's summer, cause it's pouring ;)

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There's a phenomena that only happens in a few places on the planet where the lightningbugs will blink in sync.


I saw something like that happen here once. I'd been to listen to a speaker on one of the university campuses here in town, and this particular campus has a lot of arboretum plantings, so it's very bug and animal-friendly. It was about this time of year, the sky was barely light in the west, and I was walking back to my car. I came to a green space where there were seemingly hundreds of fireflies floating up into the air, and they were all glowing but not blinking. I stood there in shock and really wondered if someone had laced what I'd been drinking earlier with a little acid. I've never seen it happen again, it must have been a really synchronous group of fireflies.


The critters are so common around here, there's a local group called The Lightning Bugs.

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