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Hi! I ramble, so I will put it here and not take up tons of thread space. :D



Ethically sourced creature things?


I'm averse to fur, and dead bugs would make me sad. Someone just made a very valid point that their pets might eat it, so no thank you on bones as well. :blush: feathers and plants are perfectly fine, though. Especially plants.


Who do I identify with?


Probably, the Little Mermaid and Rapunzel(haven't seen Tangled, though)? But, partly because of the trauma of sacrificing your hair. :P I look up to most of the heroines in my favorite stories, I guess, wanting to have characteristics like them, but not necessarily identifying with them as such.


I do prefer happy endings. But a dark twist on anything(so long as the baddie still gets theirs) is perfectly acceptable. And a dark aesthetic is lovely. Rat's Magic was one of my very favorite books as a small child.


The only time I was disappointed by an animal to human ending was in Disney's Beauty and the Beast, when Beast turned into Michael Bolton. As a kid, in the theatre, I remember there being an audible audience reaction of "AUGH!?!" Which was awesome.


I prefer humanoid fairytales, but I do still love animal stories(hedgehogs in a forest, etc.). Off the top of my head, I like the story where the monkey bets the elephant that he is stronger, and then bets the rhino the same, and then has them tug of war--because they are out of sight of each other. And, when they are both exhausted, he steals their bananas. Either it's an Aesop's Fable, or my imagination is even better than I give it credit for.


I'm currently watching both Grimm and Once Upon a Time, and liking them. Haven't seen Lost Girl, but I kind of want to now. As far as folklore goes, I like vampire, ghosts, and any kind of magical plant.


I'm not sure but I think I didn't include Princess Kaguya, or the Chinese version of Cinderella in my list of fairy tales.

Of course, I probably didn't include a lot of them, but yeah. Like Sinbad and the valley of the shiny things(voyage #2, according to wiki), and also just for humor, there is a story of three brothers and a table that sets itself, a super strong donkey, and a club that smacks people. And the one with the three dogs, and the man who goes underwater and has to choose his true love from amongst her six identical sisters, and the one wit hteh super glue swan.... You know, I just like fairy tales, so you should pick something *you* will enjoy, and that will be awesome. And I should stop now.


Also, vaguely related, *HUGE* King's Quest fan. Wacky/unusual interpretations of fairy tales heartily welcomed.


So, I now have the phrase, 'kleptomaniacal lawn gnome' stuck in my head, so I will sign off.


Thank you for reading :D

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