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Chez Snark is evolving. Unfortunately, Snarky has been a bit slack about documenting the evolution. Here are some older pics to bring everyone up to speed:



They didn't have a working shower for almost a week while the subfloor was replaced (and then the looong wait for the Asian Tiger). A week!



The original color scheme for the bathroom: white sink, white toilet, white shower surround, black tub, pale pale blue walls. Bleah. Snarky was oddly fond of the vaguely gothic tub, but the chips and dents had to go.



With the door put back in place, this is the best "after" shot of the tub Snarky could manage. Whitey white white white! The Snarks employed the local Miracle Method franchise and highly recommend them to everyone. One big caveat: prepare to endure at least three days of intense chemical stench.



Another shot of the itty bitty bathroom.



This is supposed to be a memo holder, but has become the Snarks' precarious-yet-cheeky soap holder.



The Mister decided to sponge opaque copper paint over the glowing firelight in the exercise room. The experiment has since been dubbed a bit of a dud, but The Mister had a fabulous mani for about a week.



The Snarks' real estate agent gave them a housewarming gift. Instead of a basket 'o goodies they got a treasure chest!



Guess who snapped it up for her own nefarious purposes?


Also of note: the crazy fuschia/pink ante-room is s-l-o-w-l-y evolving into a half eggplant purple, half light spring green room. The spring green is mostly done (and they even managed to hang artwork after Snarky hulked out and smashed all of the glass in the frame) but the purple will require an astonishing third coat to reach their preferred level of opacity. After that, (and a little more purple-ing of the hallway on the first floor) the Snarks are Taking a Break with the Painting, Already. :blush:

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A toilet in a tub would put a cramp in the showering, wouldn't it! ;) I love the new colors and I love the Asian Tiger tile! Woot!


Taking a break is a good thing... darkity's eyes could use a rest and Mister Snark can have only so many sassy manicures in a month, you know!


And I loved seeing that imp holding its ground in the treasure chest! It seems only appropriate that your treasures should be holding court in the treasure chest.

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No rest for the wicked. While the paint is... curing, the Snarks will be playing around in the dirt and trying to destroy the monster curly willow overtaking the front yard. Odd that for someone with a Very Black Thumb, Snarky is a horrible tree-killer.

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Har! I laughed out loud at the teensy imp who yelled "dibs!" on the treasure chest.


That Tiger tile looks great! It's really impressive.


But you're not keeping the toilet in the bathtub? Just consider all the efficient multi-tasking you could do! ;)

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But you're not keeping the toilet in the bathtub? Just consider all the efficient multi-tasking you could do! ;)


Ah... but then where would I utilize all those LUSH bath bombs I've got hoarded away? It was a tough choice, but I went with a more conventional separate tub/toilet situation.


We've had bathrooms in the past that were almost that tight. You could basically reach the sink and the tub whilst perched on the throne. With a little stretching (and crazily talented toes) you could probably open and close the door too.

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