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BPAL Madness!
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ebay :(

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I am not sure this is kosher..... Well as I mentioned in my last post I really enjoyed inputting all of my smells into the My Stash Feature. It would be a huge bonus if they you know let us delete a scent once we added it. After all people wear the stuff and the bottles do get empty sooner or later. I actually have emptied bottles! Shocker I know especially when you factor in that I had around 200 distinct smells. I know there are some that didn't get added. Fire Eater for example... I did not see my bottle of it when I was listing them all but I know I have one. I decided that the idea of trying on all my smells and doing reviews and narrowing down scents was kinda insane. It would take me almost a year to work through what I have as it is. Plus I realized that some of my imps were for things that had been discontinued or that I had bottles of and there was no reason to try them, fall in love with them, then knock myself out trying to find a spare bottle. I put them up for auction on ebay. I hope I didn't break any rules. I started my auction at $1/bottle which I know is ridiculously low judging from the price cap guidelines but I figured that way somebody who is interested in trying a lot of different smells and has the time and energy to invest in finding discontinued stuff would have a chance to check them out. I obviously have so many that there is little impetus to stalk the boards for long gone scents. Ummm


hello inez and hello mum moon. For you two I think I will haunt the boards. But why add to the list of stuff I have a hard time getting? I mean every fall I dab on my pumpkin patches from '05 and I love them in the autumn. So warm and soothing.... yummy. Oh! I never knew I did foodie smells before BPAL~ I always went for spicy oriental resins but now food has snuck in. Le Sigh. But once my PP are gone am I to kill myself looking for them? Maybe. and given my attachment to the handful of scents I do wear--Why add something that I never even wore before just because I foolishly tried the imp and decided it was lurv?

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