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S'OK. Breathing is good. Tummy rubs are even better.


I just... Exploded all over the place in that thread. It was awful; like my fingers were possessed by demons or something. And I HATE confrontation. I was just a wreck yesterday. It shouldn't have erupted like it did on the forums. And then the responses after that... ugh. I felt awful. And, worse, I wanted to perpetuate the fight. It was just a bad day for anxiety.

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It happens. Sometimes you're the monster in the cage, and sometimes your the kid with the pointy stick.


I think you made a clean apology (no qualifiers and no excuses) and whatever else happens is because of everyone else's monster/stick issues.


Some sort of drama is going to flare up in the retail threads about similar companies just because of the topic and audience involved. We are all here, after all, because of a more-than-passing affection for perfume oils, right?




PS caught your comment on the Spring Switch Witch thread. Gave me a warm fuzzie. ;)

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Diva! I clicked on your name rather than your blog title, so I ended up on your profile page. You and I share the same birthdate, although I am much, much, much older. However, Martha Stewart shares our birthdate and she's even older than me, so I shall take consolation in that.


So you had a nice blaze of Leo anger yesterday! I think Leos have a certain birthright to externalize some fire every now and then. So you externalized on the forum. No biggie. Besides, you are a Leo and getting ready for your wedding, so that doubles your right to blow your cork. And you didn't blow your cork, anyway... you just got vehemently opinionated and like I said, you are a Leo!




Your fellow Lioness (Leo sun, Leo rising, Gemini moon = Just Plain Bipolar) ;)

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Darkity: Yeah... I just didn't expect to get so freaked out. I did try and make my apology as sincere as possible, as I try and never apologise for things I'm not sorry for, but I was worried my tone would be interpreted as snide there, too. I think it was Scylla's giant leap from "I had this blend done long before Underpants came out" to "You're saying Beth stole the idea from you?" was what did it, but there had to be more to it than just that. It was about more than just the forums, at that point. Ugh. I hate drama. Thank you for your support, and I love the monster/stick analogy. ;) It's amusing, and so perfectly true. Aaand, I'm glad you caught the bit I wrote about you. You really made this round awesome for me. It makes me want to try harder next time. :P


Valentina: Leo ahoy! I don't know my rising sign; I need to find my exact time of birth. Whatever it is tends to keep the Leo pretty well tamed, since I'm generally very non-confrontational, and I try to be conscious of how my words can effect people. It wasn't as bad as it might've been, but it was still pretty awful, anyway. Somehow, the fact that Martha Stewart was born on my birthday makes me feel yucky. In another amusing coincidence, my SO was born on the 4th, so he never has an excuse to forget my birthday! It's awfully convenient. ;) Thank you for the words of support. I was feeling pretty awful after yesterday.

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Diva! I clicked on your name rather than your blog title, so I ended up on your profile page. You and I share the same birthdate, although I am much, much, much older. However, Martha Stewart shares our birthdate and she's even older than me, so I shall take consolation in that.


So you had a nice blaze of Leo anger yesterday! I think Leos have a certain birthright to externalize some fire every now and then. So you externalized on the forum. No biggie. Besides, you are a Leo and getting ready for your wedding, so that doubles your right to blow your cork. And you didn't blow your cork, anyway... you just got vehemently opinionated and like I said, you are a Leo!




Your fellow Lioness (Leo sun, Leo rising, Gemini moon = Just Plain Bipolar) :boogie:


I mean this in the best way- I never would've guessed you were significantly older than I am. You have a very youthful energy- I'm thinkin' it's the feline. :shhh:



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