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Phantom of the...

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There's a thread in Randomness about what you'd like to pick as a member title when you get enough points. It occurs to me that some day I may have enough points and I can choose my own member title. So I began to consider options.


I cracked myself up with this one, and it would be simply odd to most people, who would probably assume I was a perverted little goth who was overly identified with a certain part of the male anatomy. (This may in fact be true.) But let me explain -- I work in this building:




It's nicknamed the "penis of the plains," although I prefer calling it the "prairie phallus." And I think a BPAL forum member name like "Phantom of the Phallus" would be good for a giggle as an inside joke. Besides, if a group of malcontents decided to get all prudish on Live Journal, it would take pressure off of Andrabelle and her Ron Jeremy joke icons. "Who is that valentina who calls herself the "phantom of the phallus?" What is she talking about? Eeeew, gross!"


P.S. Spellcheck keeps suggesting "Phyllis" as a correction for "phallus." :blush:

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Online she posted words

'bout underwear.

She smells of O and Smut -

from toes to hair.


And on the BPAL boards

her kindred find:

The Phaaaaaan-tom of the Phah-ha-allus is here

inside our mind(s)!


Er... not so good a rhyme... s'the best I could do on short notice! :lol:

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Phantom Phallus of the Prairie! ;)


Of course, my dreadful mind started thinking of funny creepy names and leapt from thinking of Phantom of the Opera variations to a Headless Horseman variation which I guess would have to be the Headless Phallus! ;)

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Eeek! A headless phallus? Maybe a phallus whose head is cloaked? ;)


See that statue on the top of the building? It's called "The Sower" and it depicts a guy out throwing seeds. (See? Phallic innuendo abounds!) A few years ago, The Sower was refinished and some people got to go all the way to the top to see The Sower. A guy in my office got the royal tour, and he said he checked it out and The Sower does not have a package. Apparently Dick Cheney was not the model.

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Michael Jackson must have been the model. ;)

;) Maybe for the bottom half! I like to believe the sculptor was thinking of Russell Crowe when he crafted the face:




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