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swap questions part 3

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Would any Bunny like to receive Holiday serving bowls, trays, platters etc...? Winter/Christmas or Thanksgiving/Fall themed?

as much as i love things with turkeys on them, i've pretty much run out of room in my house.


I know some people are squicked out at the idea of eating things that other people make, or the thought of deep fried cookies sends them into cardiac arrest. If you were my fox, would you like to receive some homemade goodies, or would you prefer that your goodies came from the store?

handmade is completely fine. the only real food allergy around here is scallops.



My lovely fluffy Snow Bunny, would you like a bodyscrub made by me? If so, what scent(s) would you like, if you had to think along the lines of essential oils? And would you prefer sugar or salt? A dryer scrub or one that's more oily/moist?

sure! either salt or sugar is fine, and any grain is fine. i have horribly dry skin in the winter. scents for scrubs- pretty much anything other than floral or really, really heavy floral. i do prefer them on the drier side.


Dear snow bunny, do you like candles? if yes, then what kind? scented (what scents), unscented, what colors, do you like them plain/painted on the outside/with decorations attached to the surface/sculpted?


unscented is preferable but i'll burn anything other than floral. all colors would a use. i could use some tealights for my yule log. i don't mind decorations. same with pretty much any style.


Also what do you think of little soaps?


honestly i prefer gels or scrubs so most soap gets frimped.


Socks! Slippers! Do you love them or not really wear them? If you love them, do you also love Sock Dreams?

i like little ballet flat style slippers. socks for me are utilitarian items; i don't see the appeal of sock dreams in my life right now...but i wouldn't say no to a ball or two of sock yarn!


Dear Snow Bunnies: Do you do a Christmas tree? If yes is it themed or specially colored or do you just have all different ornaments and such?


oh my infamous christmas tree. it's white. we've been decorating it in ice blue, royal blue, silver, and white. however i would never be upset if i got decorations in other colors.


Would you like a special ornament?



would you wear a cowl?



honestly? probably not. i have a couple that i made that i'm tempted to tear out for the yarn.


Tim Tams. Yay or nay?




new question: talk to me of coffee. Whole bean? Ground? Flavored, not flavored? Decaf, whole caff? Favorite roasters? Drip, french press, keurig? BING ON THE TEA?


ground would be best but my blender will grind beans. caffinated please! we drink a lot of dark roast and i like spice flavored coffees. we have all three- drip, french, and keurig. we do drinka lot of tea as well, and my boyfriend was looking for hot chocolate last night.

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