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HGM, etc.

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Hungry Ghost Moon-looks amazing and was all I would hope it would be. After reading the description I now want some ginger candy....So in addition to a 5mL of HGM, I ordered a pack of imps. The imps I ordered were Vixen, Sin, Katharina, Lolita, Antique Lace, and Euterpe. Hooray! Now, I'll just settle in and wait for my package to arrive.


Apartment Update: The place that I wrote about before is now not happening. Despite assurances that the place has "an extremely good chance" of going to me and a promise to call me later in the week, the girl did not call me back. Or returned my phone call and e-mail to her. I was angry at first, I mean, she is 26 and should know that when you promise to call someone to tell them whether or not they have the place you should call at the very least to tell them that unfortunately they won't have the place blahblahblah. Not keep them waiting in a weird limbo stage that could've been spent looking for another place to live had they known. Show some responsibility!


But whatever. I now have another place that is just as close to school and will be significantly less expensive once I get an apartment-mate. They'd get the huuuuuge (20 x 15) master bedroom and I'd get the smaller one. Mostly 'cause I dunno what to do with all that space. The issue of furniture remains as I have very very little of it since I live with the 'rents still. I need:



-Coffee table

-Bed frame






And I'm planning on going to CostCo, Ikea, Sticks N' Stuff for cheapies. I'm just dreading how I'm gonna transport everything there.


I was gonna write about something else going on but I'm outta energy. Tomorrow! G'night!

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