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BPAL Madness!
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Another early posting! It's been fun to hop in and have it be already "live." I ordered Hungry Ghost Moon (ginger candy, sugar cane and rice wine? *falls over dead*) and Et Lux Fuit (amber, vanilla musk and honeycomb? *gets up, then falls over dead again*). Plus a bottle of Madrid, which has been languishing on my big-bottle wishlist for so long that it's starting to sneer and flip me off.


Madrid was a frimp received with my very first order, placed in October 2004. It's not too clove-heavy, it smells more like sitting outside at a cafe drinking red wine and smoking a clove cigarette.


I'm debating on CT3 -- I have a bottle of CT2, and while it's OK-smelling (it started fruity like Mi-Go, then goes cologney like how Wolf Moon ends) the idea of experimentation is more fun. But there are so many other bottles I want, do I want to spend the funds on something I may dislike? Why not order something I know I'll like? Who knows, I'll probably cave by August and buy a bottle anyway :blush:

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I've never been much into the Lunacy oils before (Though keep in mind I was also "not much into" any LE's at all and now I own... four of them. Heh.) but HGM really, really tempted me.


Alas I resisted. But I can't wait to start reading the reviews!


Madrid keeps coming back to me as a frimp or a swap... I think the smelly fates are trying to tell me something.

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I hadn't ordered a Lunacy in so long, I had to go back to find when I ordered the last ones: Beaver Moon (October) and Fruit Moon (July). A while ago I decided most of the "lunar oils" tend to smell like soap eventually and hadn't ordered anything since these -- but these weren't even traditional Lunacies. So we'll see about the Hungry Ghosties.


Ah yes, the reappearing frimps. Mine are Marie (which unfortunately gives me a headache) and Hymn. The Lab did its magic though, as I initially thought Hymn was so-so, and it was sent to me enough times I decided I did in fact like it and should order a bottle ;)

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