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Switch Witch 'Weenie Round '11 Extra Questions Part 2

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Soooo... I happened to skip down to the end of my blog post to see that some of my earlier answers have been cut off! Eeeep! So, I'm going to transfer some of my most recent answers over here and answer the newest questions over here from now on (or until I need a THIRD post :ack: )


More random stuff: I have been lusting over Villainess Bourbon Vanilla Smooch and Whipped since I (re)discovered that they existed the other day via the SW thread... seriously. I have been using the death by chocolate scrub I have and it is lovely I can't even imagine how good the Bourbon Vanilla stuff will be :yum:


Do you like liquorice? If so, hard or soft? Sweet or salt? Normally salted or so salt it pulls your face into a fishy shape? And which shapes do you like? Nooooo. I really don't like liquorice. Especially black liquorice. ew. :(


How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? I like milk and white chocolate the best. (I actually love just plain good quality white chocolate. I love how it's so creamy and just melts away on my tongue...)I like salty and sweet combos, like chocolate covered pretzels (OMG chocolate covered pretzels are my biggest weakness! Milk and white are my favorite but dark too... guh.) I am really intrigued by bacon chocolate. I would like to try it. I do like fruit flavors (wither real fruit pieces or just like a fruit flavoring in the chocolate) If I had to pick a favorite I'd say orange. But I really like grapefruit, lime (citrusy flavors are good), strawberry, raspberry... I DON'T like blueberry, mango, or cherry. Cherry is tricky because I like real cherries but cherry flavoring I do not like. Nuts are also okay. I really like almonds and milk chocolate. I'm kind of on a walnut kick right now so that wouls be good. (though I've never had a walnut in chocolate. I wonder what that would taste like...?) I like marshmallows and toffee. Those are sometimes in chocolate bars right? Oooh! I was messing around on the create your own chocolate bar site someone posted and I made a bar that was just white chocolate with candied violet petals. I am curious to see how that would taste... I've also made some others (dark or milk chocolate with sea salt and lavender, milk and/or white chocolate with orange peel, milk chocolate with marshmallows and graham crackers - s'more bar! :yum: , milk chocolate with banana chips and yogurt pretzels, because why not?, I could go on all night... :P )


More random stuff, BPAL related: So, it seems that I have ruined my bottle of TKO. The other day I dropped the cap (wand cap) and I didn't think that the wand hit my hand that was covered in scented lotion, but apparently it did, so now instead of smelling like a fluffy lavender marshmallow, it smells like and herbaly kinda vanillaish lavender-y mess. A practically FULL BOTTLE. :cry2: I really am almost in tears over this. I know it's stupid but I can't buy another bottle and I was planning to buy a backup so now I need two and I have no money right now and what if it gets disconed before I can buy more? :(


Is there a movie you want that you don’t own now? Yes. Inception. I'm sure there are more but that's the only one that comes to mind at the moment.


Would any witchees be interested in Quinn Popcorn? Sure, sounds interesting!


Am I the only one? Does anyone else like collector Barbies? Eeeeh, not really my thing. Unless it for some reason would be really funny or interesting or for some reason relate to me.


if you were my witchee, would you want some of my hot nuts my candied nuts my nuts covered in butter and brown sugar candied walnuts? omg... that sounds ahhhhhmazing. *drool* I have been having a walnut kick lately and candied nuts are just YUM anyway so yeah. I always get candied almonds when I go to the rennfest (which I will be going to soon yaaaay!)


Random thing that just popped into my head that may or may not help with witching: I have 2 different companies' dupes of Aquolina's Pink Sugar (Solstice Scents and Opulent Alchemy. I like Solstice Scents's one better in case you were wondering. Lol) But I"ve never tried the original. I know it's a alcohol containing perfume so I probably won't like it all that much but I feel like I should at least try it. So at some point I'd like to get the smallest container of it that they make. Which I think is a rollerbottle. Another random thing! I am going to at some point get a tattoo of a phoenix. I have the drawing of the phoenix that I want, but it's not colored. I want a colored tat and I'm having issues with coloring it myself. I mean, I know what color scheme I want it to have... kind of. I'm just having trouble translating my thoughts to the paper. I don't know if you can somehow insert this into your witching plans but there you go. :D :hug:


For those of you that like candles, do you like stuff from Yankee Candle? And if you had to choose, tarts or candles? Yes candles! And I definitely have my eye on some Yankee candles stuff. :smilenod: I for some reason get yankee candles catalogs to my house and I browse through them and lust over the big jar candles in soo many luscious scents. I can never decide between the tasty foodie creamy scents or the coffee scents or the fresh fruity scents.


Does anyone want anything from... here...? Ooooooh man. I am trying so hard to forget that place exists. So much of it looks sooo good! :yum: .......Ahhhh! I caved! I went on a favoriting spree!


What are you drooling over from the Sock Dreams Halloween stuff? These (I need a whole new nurse outfit too... hmm.) And oooh these! I dunno what makes them particularly halloween-y but hey, I'm always up for some rainbow thigh highs! (or knee highs) And theeeese! Ditto on the halloween thing but fuzzy toe socks are always a plus in my book. I like these too. I like stripes and I like otk/thigh highs so what's not to like? :D (Don't even ask about color combination. waaaaay too many to choose from O.O )


Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series??? I wouldn't say that I lament it, but I would like one of the imp/condom cases. Either one of the courtesan ones or one of the ones they have up all the time. I also would like a keyring but I feel a little silly dropping $18 on a keyring. But, apparently I don't feel silly dropping $200 on bras like I did the other day... holy ship (Bahahahahaha! I typed holy ship. It's staying. :lol: ) bras are expensive. Well, I really shouldn't be surprised when I walk into a Victoria's Secret without my "No, I'm Not Buying Anything Today 'Kay Thank You Bye" shield up. I mean, I really did need bras, I'm not saying the sales lady pushed me into buying something I didn't need, but I didn't necessarily need Vickie's bras. And I didn't necessarily need 4. Okay, that part is kinda my fault..... how did I get to talking about this again?


Good luck trinkets Idk if this was a real question bus I saw someone quote a post with this question in is so I'm answering it because I want to. :P My mom is ummm, I kind of don't know how to label her spirituality. Celtic reconstructionist flavored? But heavy into Brighid. Like, she and Brighid have a really special relationship, so she asked my sister and I to wear (or carry at all times if we're not wearing them) Brighid's crosses. Mine is a stamped precious metal clay pendant. My mom bought it on etsy so she might have they purchase transaction link somewhere. I'll see if I an have her dig it up. In the meantime, I'll see if I can find a good picture of me wearing it so you can kinda see what it looks like...




Okay so yeah, that's me. Hi, me. And a pretty good shot of my necklace. It's a three armed Brighid's Cross with some extra decoration around it. It's like some swoop-y petal-y flower-y type stuff.


I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that? I'd try it. I'd be afraid that the chocolate one would be kinda fakey chocolate. I do like regular candy corn in small doses. It is sooooo sweet.


Stuff you've been meaning to do: Clean my room, call my doctor (nothing serious, don't worry), get all my witching stuff organized, figure out wtf is going on with my school crap, organize all my books, pack up some swaps and go to the post office


Princess Bride? Yay or nay? Have I answered this already? I don't think so. I'll answer again... YAY!


Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside? OMG! I don'tknow why but this question reminded me of the first time I went back to a Chuck-E-Cheese since becoming an adult (I mean, not since turning 18 but like, I hadn't been there since I was a little kid and now I was going back for my boyfriend's little cousin's party or something I don't even remember.) And O.M.F.G. the creepy anamatronic muppet robot character things on the creepy little stage "playing" their creepy little instruments with the crappy tinny music being pumped in through badly masked speakers. It was AWFUL. Their movement was jerky and sudden and their eyes never really closed or opened all the way and their mouthes moved in a really unnerving unhinged quality..... And of course the table for the stupid party was right next to the stupid "stage" where these creepy fucking puppet things were. Up close you could hear the "clack clack" of the plastic banging together and the whirring of the motors that operated their movement but really, that didn't make it any better... I know you're not going to send me a creepy Chuck-E-Cheese robot, I really don't know where that came from...


If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be? Ahaha! I have a good one if you do by the name of your first pet and the first street you lived on rules (that's how my friends and I always did it anyway...) So mine would be Tawna Sellman. I think that one's pretty good all on it's own. If I ever need to go underground or need a few extra bucks... Tawna Sellman it is! :P


I have just been enlightened to THESE. Are these flavors relevant to your interests? Oooooh. It's lip stuff, you know I can't help myself. :P The ones that look interesting to me are: Dead Sexy, Clove Cigarette, Salted Caramel, and Smoked Salt (because whaaaaa?) I mean really, all of them sound good. But those sound... the most good? I need to get off the internet. I am so tired.

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