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GC Circular Swap - 13bodies #1

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13bodies - #1


received 5/27 - replacement imp from Quikslvr received 6/6








all are new except for Alice


mailed on to Arylkin 6/7

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first sniff: citrus (lemon?) balanced with myrrh or frankincense - not exactly sure of the notes but that's what I'd guess.


tested wet: the resiny smell comes out more, nearly eclipsing the bright citrus note. A very pleasing scent.


tested dry: stays nice throughout - sometimes the lemon whiffs and sometimes the dry resin wafts.


conclusion: I might look up an imp of this sometime, but there's others I like better.



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first sniff: cinnamon...not sweet, just strong cinnamon.


tested wet: still cinnamon...maybe a touch of other dry bark spiciness, like maybe clove, but definitely no fruit. (peaches?...oranges? um...sorry but they're lost in the cinnamon)


tested dry: the cinnamon has mellowed nicely now, and I can smell a faint incense note...rather ethereal in relationship to the spicy note. Never did find the fruit notes on this one.


conclusion: the end result was nice, but more in a comforting room scent sort of way. I like cinnamon, but not when it overpowers everything else. This one is not for me.



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Alice - reviewed from my own bottle


first sniff: soft and sweet creamy floral.


tested wet: afternoon tea in a secret garden....sweet with extra cream please.


tested dry: less cream and more floral...light and wafting and oh so purely sweet and innocent. After awhile the spicy note of carnation makes an appearance and the fragrance settles into a nice and light powdery wisp.


conclusion: I have much love for this scent.



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first sniff: omg! Almonds and spice! This is the one of the bunch that I was most eager to try...and so far it meets my expectation.


tested wet: now I can smell the amber and musk, the Almonds are taking a back seat as the oil settles into my skin.


tested dry: As it dries, the scent develops into a gorgeous harmony...I can actually pick up most of the fragrance notes listed in the description but not one of them is more predominate than any other.


conclusion: This one is going on my bottle wish list. My cats aren't even in the room to influence my decision.


The big cat (Bengal) nearly won out this round, but I have to give my vote for Best of the Bunch to Bastet! Meow!





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first sniff: cinnamon rolls...fresh and gooey delicious.


tested wet: the cinnamon spikes a bit and the sweet takes a back seat.


tested dry: soft cinnamon and clove (hello clove, glad to smell ya!) and a fabulous light sweetness that holds it all together in a way that the dubious 1 out of those 10 dentists probably would go ahead and recommend.


conclusion: Totally wasn't expecting to like this one as much as I do. Definitely seeking an imp soon and can see this as potential bottle fodder.



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