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GC Circular Swap - 13bodies#3

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13bodies - #3


received from 13bodies 5/27









all are new to me!


mailed on to Arylkin 6/05

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first sniff: soapy men's aftershave.


tested wet: soapy men's aftershave.


tested dry: not as soapy but still men's aftershave. A very nice and appealing aftershave, but...


conclusion: nothing I want to wear.



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Penny Dreadful


first sniff: oh my god this smells just like copper!


tested wet: metallic dirt.


tested dry: more earthy, like the smell of the dirt that clings to the tangled roots of the weeds being pulled as you get the garden ready for planting. Very strong...makes my skin tingle a bit.


conclusion: It's interesting and I like the aroma - but I highly doubt that I could wear this as perfume.



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Port Au Prince


first sniff: spicy (clove, cinnamon - all those woody bark type of spices) and slightly tropical


tested wet: like chewing on cinnamon toothpicks after the HOT spice of the cinnamon is gone.


tested dry: definite clove now - not sweet, but dry and spicy. conclusion: Nice smell - I like it...enough to get an imp, but probably not a bottle.



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first sniff: sweet...like cherry lifesavers taste. Nothing at all what I was expecting from the description.


tested wet: something turned plastic on me, I'm thinking it's the combo of the ylang ylang and honey. I smell no musk what-so-ever here.


tested dry: I start smelling a faint musk but it's overpowered by the smell of plastic goo.


conclusion: This one doesn't like me at all...I'd have to take a pass on any imp that came my way.



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Tzadikim Nistarim


first sniff: fruity - very clear and fresh like white grape juice.


tested wet: there's a mixture of things going on here, overall still fruity but there's a slight incense whiff and a mild bright floral note overlayed with a nice leafy herbaceousness.


tested dry: I really can't quite describe it...it's a very 'live' kind of herbal smell. conclusion: I very much like this and will put it on my imp wish list.



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first sniff: ooh yeah, head shop patchouli and nag champa at it's head buzzy best...I can tell I'm going to like this already.


tested wet: this is quite an ideal presentation of patchouli...it's not the heavy incense that hangs in the air and permeates every porous surface it touches kind of head shop smell - it's the 'good stuff' that's kept behind the counter.


Tested dry: the scent just keeps being awesome...I LOVE it! conclusion: Definitely searching out an imp soon, but I can see a bottle of this in my future.


Voting this one Best in the Bunch! :lol:



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