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Autumn swap help! (links!)

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Ok my dear mystery swappers, I thought I'd start with a post that has some details about things I like so I can give help to my (future) witch, and my "protect your neck" crafter too!


I believe this links are also in my "sw help" link, but in case anyone comes over here looking for them, they're here too!

(under same name, cuervosueno. This will get you to my wishlist) For the scarf swap, I just included a whole lot of things I like the style of. They may not necessarily be in my favorite colors or materials. For SW, these are just things I like, and I mark them for myself, so understand I don't expect anyone to get me this stuff, but it will give you an idea of my tastes!

This one is probably totally useless for the "protect your neck" swap, but a SW might find it more useful, though it is mostly books, and still somewhat random.

This one is the same link that is in my sig, just placed here to have everything in one place. It lists things I like, simply to give my future witch ideas.

Note for my scarf swapper

Looking at scarves on etsy gave me a better idea of what I like. I like cowls and moebius scaves quite a bit, though I also love simply plain old scarves too. I am attracted to texture: I like varying textures quite a bit. I tended to go for the chunkier styles and less delicate, though some of the delicate ones were attractive as well.

I really don't like acrylic, though (I've just never found away for it not to be horribly staticky!) I do like natural fibers. Wool can be iffy, though, as I'm a bit sensitive to it unless it is very soft, and if it's itchy I'll be less likely to wear it. I know I can wear cashmere and alpaca and mohair and some merino, but I also know that stuff is way too expensive. I'm sorry if this makes it difficult! I do like cotton, and rayon and linen and bamboo and silk and even polyester fleece, which is not as bad on the static front. I like soft things!

Colors I like include purple and jewel tones as I said in the questionnaire, but as I was looking at things, I realized in knit or crocheted things, I was also very attracted to soft greys and browns, and soft, moss greens. I also liked autumn colors, and an autumn palette could even make orange or yellow work, if it is simply part of a brown, autumnal mix. I loved scarves that had varigated colors, mixs of blues or blues with purples, or blues and greens, or purples and pinks, etc. I enjoy rich, deep reds as well.

For nonknitted things, I love "pashmina" style wraps--long and wide to wind around the body. I'd be delighted with something like that, hand dyed or painted, something sarong like to wrap around my shoulders. I also was intrigued by some of the t-shirt material cowls if it was something creative and fun.

There are a lot of kind prints I would find appealing for non knitted things: animals, abstract florals, leaves (oh, I love things with leaves and especially ginko leaves!), skulls/skeletons and other "goth" inspired patterns, birds, abstract designs, etc. In silk scarves especially, I'd be much more open to brighter colors than I am in knitted things: there is something about the way silk takes dye and paint that makes me wiling to branch out into brighter colors. I'm also happy to have shorter scarves in this type of scarf. I'll try to find more examples of dyed/painted/printed scarves to include on my wishlist as examples.

And again, remember, I'll love anything you come up with!

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