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Poison Apple redux (and a compliment of sorts)

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Since I bought a ding-dang full bottle of Poisoned Apple recently, I figured I'd try my imp again. I was getting ready to leave, my dearest husband was still laying in the bed but fully awake. He wasn't sure why I was putting the oil in my hair, but whatever, he's a man, he doesn't understand these things. Finally, as I was about to finish my beautifying rituals, he said "You smell like apple pie." Win! He's smelled some of my other BPALs and said "uh-huh." This time he actually committed to saying something about it, which leads me to believe he might like it. I take smelling "like apple pie" as a big time compliment, especially coming from him. He rarely notices nuances of fragrances, so this was something that kinda made my day.


It was weird that he associated the scent with pie and not just with apples. Apples are a food but I don't think of PA as a foodie blend. I don't really detect any kind of spice at all when I smell PA. I smell more of the apple peel and the opium note. Again, it's an accomplishment that he noticed, bless his heart.

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