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BPAL Madness!
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More trieds, SNOW WHITE '07, update madness, etc.

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I finally found a BPAL that just plain ol' doesn't work for me. The Hesperides. Boo. The first of the many Greek mythology-named BPAL oils, and it's just not so good on me. The notes sound like what I would like: oak bark, leaves, twilight mist and crisp apple. I don't even know which note in it turns yucky, but one does. Too bad, because I was hoping it might be nice and autumnal.


I've also recently tried a tiny dot of Boomslang (verdict: too heavy for right now, will try again at night in the late fall.) Black Rose (verdict: nice rose with something else.) And Belle Epoque (verdict: fresh and green, loving the lily of the valley.) Belle Epoque and Black Rose are both scents I like a lot and I would like to explore a bit more; Boomslang is strong, so I need to try it at an appropriate time.


I purchased a full bottle of Snow White '07. She's one of the top oils I've wanted to try since joining, and boy howdy I'm so glad I purchased it here on the forums. It does smell like coconut, but IDGAF... It's freaking amazing. It's so soft and warm and womanly and alluring. I've read the reviews and I'm happy to have found '07 as the more recent years seem to be not as good.


I am waiting on pins and needles for the Halloweenie update. I really want to read about Pumpkin Princess, that sounds *so* like something I would like. I'm off for the next three days, so I am sure I'll be F5ing it all day and all night. :eek:

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