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Two more additions to my "tried" BPAL oils

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Yesterday I sold my bike (an Electra Townie 3 in metallic fucshia.) I was sad to see it go, but since I never ride it, it was time. And I got moneys. :twisted:


I wore Blood Amber yesterday, which was one BPAL I felt kinda iffy about. I like amber as a note, but making it bloody just seemed a little unappealing to me. Surprise, surprise but I actually *really* like Blood Amber and I think it's a scent I'll be coming back to in the fall. It lasted really well on me and it smells divine. Another winner. When will I start smelling oils that I hate?


Today, I purposefully picked one that sounded rather like a "no" to me: Eat Me from Mad Tea Party. In general I don't like foody scents (with the odd fruit or well-done vanilla being the exception.) The "three cakes" note just really turned me off. I don't want to smell like a teeny bopper or a cupcake, so Eat Me was seeming like something I'd hate. In the vial it smells vanillaish and sweet, but I decided to keep an open mind and tried it on my skin anyway. Lucky for me, the red and black currant notes really come out on my skin. Eat Me turned in to a lovely berry-vanilla that doesn't smell synthetic or sticky (which is what I had expected from reading the notes.) Eat Me was a big surprise winner for me, which shows me that I should always try the oils on my skin before passing judgement.


All in all I've at least liked all of the oils that I've tried, and I love several of them. I suppose I'm lucky that it takes so little product each day, otherwise I would have a hard time narrowing down which scents to buy in full bottles.

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