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Working on my wishlist (and waxing poetic about Poisoned Apple)

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The sheer amount of BPAL stuff out there is overwhelming. I don't really need to smell everything, but there's still so much that I want to try. Should I just pick a scent family (ie rose scents, green scents, etc.) or one of the Lab's collections (Marchen, Sin & Salvation, etc.)? How exactly does one *manage* their obsession?


I didn't smell a new imp today. I wore Poisoned Apple all day. Lemme say, the second bite is as good as the first. It doesn't smell as dirty to me today, but it does still smell very dark. I did get a better whiff of the opium smoke today. A lot of the reviews say this is a straight up sweet red apple, but I don't get that much. It smells a bit green to me, and there's the darkness from the smoke. I get apple, but it's not fake or terribly sweet. As a matter of fact, I think that the sweetness is nicely tempered by the other elements. The only thing I don't get directly is the oleander, which is odd. There's tons of oleander around here (it lines the streets and freeways in so many places in CA), so I should know what it smells like. Or maybe my nose is just so used to it that it doesn't register. The official notes from the lab are red apple, opium, oleander and hemlock.


Tomorrow I do plan on trying a different imp. I feel a bit guilty for planning a Lab haul soon with so many imps to go through (upwards of 20 that haven't been tried or even sniffed.) Perhaps I'll do a few more days of testing and then order. The Halloween update should be happening soon, and there are already a handful of scents that I really want to try from that. Wallet, be damned.

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