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BPAL Madness!
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Day two (still on the RAOK package)

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Today was my second day of *my* personal BPAL madness, as I would like to call it. I sorta grabbed something at random, which happened to be Emma from The District. This is one that I actually smelled when my RAOK package came. (Some of the others I still haven't sniffed because I want to be surprised. I also haven't read the notes for almost all of them. Look what a weirdo I am.) That's not the point though. I'm talking about Emma. Prior to trying this, I would have said that in general patchouli is a note that I'd most likely avoid (with the main exception being Chanel Coco Mademoiselle.) Patchouli isn't the main thing that I get from Emma, but it's definitely there. I get a greenish-pepperish-patchoulish-sweetish sort of feeling from this particular oil, but it ends up being pretty awesome all combined. (Per the Lab, the notes in Emma are vanilla bourbon, tea rose, jasmine, pink pepper and patchouli.) I find that the pink pepper and the patchouli are really softened by the florals and the bourbon kinda adds this nice sensuality to it. I like Emma a lot, and I look forward to revisiting this oil in a couple of weeks after I've tried some more.


On a not-even-related note, I painted my nails neon yellow (like a highlighter) and I want to add some crackle polish to them. Fun times!

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