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Fall SW 2011 notes (?)

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This is being written IN CASE there is a Fall 2011 round & I manage to enter it DESPITE being on vacation & away from the internet for a whole week in early Sept.


I will be updating & condensing previous blogs for the aid of my dear witch, who ever she may be!


Big (new) stuff around here includes:


- Daughter now loves pandas and penguins ALMOST as much as turtles.


- We hope to start house hunting sometime Feb/March!


- I hope to make some extra income for the family via etsy.


- daughter starts preschool this September


- I've started knitting! But am working on stuff for everyone in the world EXCEPT me, so feel free to knit me anything if you are so inclined! LOL


- I'm trying to loose what's left of my "baby weight" before we start trying for number 2 (which may be soon!) Green & Oolong teas are supposed to help with that . . . I'm exercising whenever I can, . .. anything helpful you know of is great. **ahem** this doesn't, however, mean that I don't want any chocolate, brownies, cookies or the like. One must splurge now and again, regardless! ;) :yum:


I think that's it for now . . .

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