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Genre Swap Q's

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Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? Paper


What kind of weather is the pefect ‘watch a movie/read a book’ weather?

Any kind! It all depends on if I’m in the mood to read or watch a movie. Although, those cold, rainy days where you just want to stay in bed and do nothing are good days to just laze around to watch movies.


Favorite movie poster/book cover/art in a book:

I really love Frank Frazetta’s book covers. I love the sketches/drawings in the Spiderwick Chronicles series.


Wislists: I have an amazon wishlist and the retail therapy post is a good place to look



Paperback or hardcover: Either is fine. Although if I start collecting a new series, the books have to be the same type – I have a paperback of A Game of Thrones, so the rest of the series I must get in paperback.


Would you like burned movies? Why not?


Would you like audiobooks? No thank you


Do you like comic books? I’m a big fan of manga. I’m a Marvel girl but I’m not opposed to reading DC – would like to read some Wonder Woman. Also am very interested in reading Witch Blade.


Would you rather play a hero or a villain?

Probably a villain or a hero who uses not-so-nice methods in accomplishing things.


Have you ever skipped to the end of a book or movie to see how it ends?

No. If I don’t plan on reading a book/series or movie, I will look up the plot/ending.


Does it bug you to watch/read movies/books out of order?

Yes – it just helps you understand what’s going on.


If your life was made into a movie, what actress would play you?

I can never answer these.


Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?

Tea – can’t stand coffee, and I don’t really drink hot chocolate.


Popcorn: love popcorn. lot’s of butter and salt – the only way to go.


Fave sweets/chocolate: Twizzlers, taffy, Haribo gummy bears and happy cola are the candy I tend to eat the most. Also like gobstoppers, smarties, sour punch straws, and various asian sweets. When I do want chocolate (which is not often) I go for dark chocolate.

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