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List of Imps/Decants

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Here's a list of Imps I've received and tried.

♥ = Want/Would purchase a full bottle (Not swapping)

× = Will probably destash. PM me for trade or sale.

If no mark, it means I'm undecided on the scent, but feel free to ask.


A Picnic in Arkham

  • R'lyeh


Ars Amatoria

  • Carnal ×
  • Delight × (swapped)
  • Hetairae
  • Jezebel


Bewitching Brews

  • Grog
  • The Hesperides
  • Red Devil ×



  • Malice (swapped)



  • Iambe
  • Nyx
  • Skuld
  • Urd (aged, hand-written label)



  • Elf ♥ (decant, hand-written label)



  • Lysander ♥ - This one just makes me happy



  • WILF × (swapped)


Lupercalia (Decants)

  • Burning Vulva × (swapped)
  • Gods of Intercourse
  • Kytherian
  • Kypris


Mad Tea Party

  • The King of Hearts ♥ - (Sniffle, decant)



  • Belle Vinu ♥


Rappaccini's Garden

  • Laurel Honey × - FFTL Frimp


Sin & Salvation

  • Sea of Glass



  • Baku ×
  • Oneiroi (x2) ♥
  • Somnus
  • Temple of Dreams ♥


Yuletide Scents (Ltds) - I really like all these, would like full bottles if possible.

  • Hypothermia 2009 ♥
  • Snow White 2009 ♥
  • The First Soft Snow 2009 ♥
  • The Snow Maiden 2009 ♥


Halloween 2011

  • Araw Ng Mga Patay
  • Elegy IX: The Autumnal
  • Ghosts in Love
  • Le Revenant
  • Nothing but Death
  • October 2011
  • Samhain 2011



  • Blue Morpho (Metamorphosis 2011, Decant)


Random Frimp

  • The last Squished Jellybean × - Received this with my generous gift of Yules last year, will probably destash. Convo me if interested- this is a unique scent that I would be happy to send to a loving home.


Please feel free to PM me if you're interested in a sale or trade.

My Wishlist is here

My Likes/Dislikes can be found here

My feedback is here


Thanks for looking!

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