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So After a Week of Eating Healthy...

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I have lost no weight.


I'm trying not to let it discourage me, because are there several contributing factors. My period is coming up, I wasn't very active, and while I was estimating calories a day, I was not keeping strict track.


I'm going to start doing that this week. Everything that goes in my mouth is going to be accounted for. I'm also considering walking home from work every day. My boyfriend and I work a few blocks away (Las Vegas blocks, which are pretty lengthy, but it's not too bad) and I'd like to start bringing my athletic shoes and just walking home.


Overall, I think I could stand to lose an even 100 pounds. 160 for my height is on the higher side of the healthy BMI range, and I've always liked even numbers. I think I'm going to break it up into mini-goals of 10 lbs each. So 250, here I come!

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