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Switch Witch Treasure Round! Spring 2011

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March 21


What three things are you craving right now?


paper goods, anyone need? including resume paper, and formal stationery as well as casual cards.

I think I'm probably good on these right now. I do like sending notecards, though - I usually include a note in my swaps thanking the person.

What is a scent that you've been trying to find even a sample of for a very long time to no avail? (What bottle would you die to get your hands on - even a partial?)

Hmmm.... I don't want to even try some of the so rares, I would fall in love, be scared to wear it because it would run out, and then it would be gone and I would be sad.

That said. STORYVILLE. I have sniffed, and it is ah-maze-ing.

Is there anything in your life that you'd like advice or a "selfhelp" book for?: (ie finances, eating healthier, meal planning)

Vegetarian/vegan cooking, paganism/wicca, and knitting!

March 19


If your Witch lived near you, would you be happy or creeped out to get a "coupon" for a service like cleaning help or babysitting or dogwalking or coffee out with your Witch or something like that? Would you be creeped out if a local minion personally delivered a package to your house from a far-away Witch?

I think this would be fun, I would love to meet for coffee or something! I don't want anybody to see my messy house until I get it cleaned, though!

Let's say I have a pair of something you collect, would you like one of them and we have matching things?

I think this would be very very cool.


March 18


Do you like poetry?

Yes, but it's more hit or miss with me - I have poems I like rather than a whole author's work. The Desiderata is a favorite, and I keep wanting a printout of it to frame.

What types of scents do you like to scent your home? Which do you totally avoid?

I like foody scents for my home as well - baked goods, spicier in the winter and fruitier in the summer. Pies, cookies, things like that. I don't think there are any I completely avoid.

What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters?

I don' t really read comics.

How do you feel about nail polish? What colors do you like? Sparkles?

I am stocked up, and get it at wholesale.

Household/kitchen goods/gadgets?

I like gadgets! But I think I am pretty stocked up at the moment. I can always use measuring spoons and cups though. I saw a ceramic set of measuring cups years ago that were stored in the shape of a bee hive, with the 1 cup on the bottom and getting smaller as it went up - the bees outside the hive were the handles. I still regret not buying that.

Ok geek check - what sort of geeky things do you do? Do you read comics/graphic novels? Are you obsessed with something (a TV show maybe?) Do you work in a geeky field? Do you play rpgs like Dungeons and Dragons? Would you like gifts related to any of these?

Uh, Dr Who is about as geeky as I get. I miss 10.

Do you have a favorite fabric? If someone were to make you a fabric item, would you prefer it be out of any fabric? e.g. velvet, satin, silk, cotton, bamboo??? Would this change if it were an article of clothing vs. a bag/pillow/blanket/somethingelse

If someone were to make me an article of clothing right now, I have been looking at maxi skirts, with an elastic waist, in a heavy silk or silky fabric. Some of them look like a dress (or they are a dress, some of them!) that was bought vintage and the top cut off. My favorites have a paper bag waist and are so cute! In bright summery colors. Again, I will find links if you are interested.

For scarves, etc., silky soft fabric is nice - bamboo feels lovely. I like things with a nice slip.

Anything with the Worm Moon update that you're already lusting after?



March 17


Would you want an invite to a site that is invite-only ex. Diaspora, Demonoid, etc. If so, what?

I am not sure what those are, but if my Witch thinks I would be interested, ok. I belong to some invitation only shopping sites!

Pillows? What size/designs/colors would most interest you?

Shades of blue or pink for the living room, lavenders for the bedroom. Lavender scented would be lovely too - like an eye pillow!

purses? bags? What style/colors?

I carry a very large black purse. Tote bag sized, seriously. I am always looking for little bags (like I said in my ?aire,), like pencil bags or something. To sort things into. Also I would love a big clutch - the ones I have seen on the blogs look almost like giant zippered pencil bags in bright gorgeous colors like red and cobalt and sunny yellow - the size of big bank bags, I will find a link. If you are interested.

Decorative scarves for hair and/or creative accessorizing? What colors?

Oh yes! I like any colors, really. They all look good against black. Purples, sagey or minty greens, cobalt or misty blues, pinks - and grays and taupes and gray/blue/violet and all kinds of colors.

Would you like anything from Starring Fragrances. They make awesome hair stuff, natural deoderant, and home fragrance (and a ton of other stuff, those are just my favs)?

I've never tried anything from them, but I am always up for trying new companies! Especially if they have a wonderful vanilla.

March 16


For those who like lipgloss, lipstick, tinted balms, etc, what colors do you wear (and warm? cool?) and do you prefer something sheer or more opaque? How do you feel about shimmer?

I like sheer colors in all kinds of colors. The Burt's Bees new tinted lipbalm is nice for every day, and Lipstick Queen's Medieval is one of my favorites. I also love a bright red lipstick, and am always looking for the nice everyday color. That wouldn't have to be sheer.

Are there any fancy/gourmet/special herbs or spices that you'd love to receive? ie: good quality vanilla or other extracts, vanilla beans, saffron, lavender, etc.

Good quality vanilla would be lovely! I also have thoughts of making lavender sachets for my sheets and drawers (but haven't gotten around to it)

What's your favorite animal? Or is there one that's particularly significant to you?

I guess mostly mine - small fluffy dogs. Small fluffy bunnies. :) I like dogs, rabbits, owls, and horses.


If you were able to get a vintage or prototype bottle from the upcoming West Coast Will Call, which one would you want?

Ha ha! too late I know, but let me just chime in with everyone else to say - underpants. But really, any bottle that my witch would think I would love. I don't know if Halfling was there, but it was my favorite when I sniffed the protos at NYCC.


DVDs, Blu-Ray, both, neither?

DVDs - I watch them on my laptop.


Sock Dreams? What kind? (anklets, footies, etc.?)

Sock Dreams is awesome! I like the mid calf ones, and higher. the Over the knee ones are wonderful. They are all wonderful. I like the fun ones, bright colors, stripes, etc.


Since this is a price capped round, would you rather get one "big" thing or lots of "little" things or don't care?

Whatever my witch is moved to send me will be wonderful. Probably lots of little things, but I will be thrilled either way!

Do you like pirate-related things?

Sure! In small doses. I think it's fun. (I would also like to try Dread Pirate Roberts soap) I love the Princess Bride!


Soaps? Be specific: if there are BPAL soaps you want to try or are dying for more of, tell all here! Also, any other companies people like or love? Villainess, maybe? Or Lush? What flavors???

I love Tarty's Paintbox Soapworks. I would like to try Immaculate Confection. The Queen is Dead is one of my very favorites, but was an LE and is sold out. I would also like to try the Villainess Bourbon Vanilla, and Lush's shower gel It's Raining Men.

What periods of art do you love most? Like, if someone was going to get you a tapestry or a box or some other item, what period would you want it to most resonate with? the pinks and golds of Rococo? the clean geometry of Art Deco? The romanticism of Art Nouveux? The strange lines of Cubism?

Rococo, I think. I love the look in small doses.


Would you like caffeinated lollipops?: http://www.lollyphil...cks-caffeinated

They look interesting!


Copied CD's or DVD's?



I'm going to Disneyland in a couple of weeks, is there anything I can get you?

I like disneyland! But I can't think of anything I would particularly want. A postcard would be wonderful. Really, anything you wanted to get would be wonderful.



March 15


Booze? Yay or Nay? what kinds?

I like booze! Red wine or sweet things like frangelico, kaluha, etc.


Steampunk inspired items? Yay or nay?

I guess - mildly steampunky? I am not into things with all the crazy amounts of gears and things, but I think some of the milder versions are really awesome.


Do you like amurigami dolls?

i think they are cute but would mostly end up as a doggie toy. He likes little stuffed animals and things.


Pirates vs Ninjas vs Zombies - who wins? Which do you love most?

Ha! I like them all. I think the ninjas would kick the pirate's asses, and then the zombies would just stagger in and wipe out the ninjas.


Do you like wearing things in your hair? If so, what kind (snap clips, scrunchie, headband, etc), how big & crazy (lowkey, bigger the better), and colors.

My hair is finally long enough to put up, and I am enjoying it! I wear ponytails, little buns (it's still not very long, ha ha!) I have seen some cute feather hair things on etsy - peacock headbands, I like the big flowers that are ponytail/bun holders, things like that. Dramatic but still work-able for not-so-long hair. Any colors are nice, since I wear mostly black, and add color through accessories (scarves etc) when I want to.


Piercings? - ears?? - elsewhere?

I have two holes in each lobe, each tragus, and one cartilage. Also my nose. I really only change the earrings in my 1st earlobe hole - the rest stay in pretty permanently.


Chocolate. With stuff in it? Are you more a plain chocolate lover, a chocolate and normal items lover (normal items being nuts, fruit, caramel) or do you like weird stuff in your chocolate? (weird stuff being curry, chilis, balsamic vinegar, floraly things)

I like semi sweet dark chocolate. 60% or thereabouts is good, and I like almonds, hazelnuts, caramel, and I haven't tried much weird stuff. Lavender sounds good, though. I do like milk chocolate as well, it really just depends on my mood at the time, all chocolate is good! I like the Ritter Sport chocolate with the yogurt, but can only find it here in multi-packs. (their hazelnut is really good too!)



March 14


surprise! the world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours?


Do you have any blogs you regularly read?

I bounce around the makeup and fashion blogs. Temptalia, Le Blog de Betty, Honestly WTF, Budget Babe, psimadethis, ...love maegan, and lots of others.


Do you need another bpal box? If so what would your fantasy one look like?

I always need more boxes! I like boxes of all kinds! I love the milled huge boxes that someone shared from etsy, but those are way out of my price range right now. But they are so gorgeous!


Do you enjoy gardening? If so, what kind of stuff do you grow? Vegetables, flowers?

I want to have a pretty yard and grow my own veggies - at least in containers. Last year I did plant some flowers and had a container of cherry tomatoes and basil. Most of the flowers died, unfortunately. I have a book from a former Witch, I need to read it again more carefully!


Social Networking sites:

facebook under my real name, twitter: trittipoe, live journal l_trittipoe. I think that's all.

favourite artists or specific paintings?

There are some on my amazon wishlist, for posters.


March 13


how about mix CDs?



Hey, how do folks feel about little e-goodies, like links to stuff your witchee likes? (articles online, pix, fic, etc)

Sounds good to me!

Tim Tams? Yes or no? Chocolate Creme, Caramel, or Dark Chocolate?

Tim Tams are yum! I have only had the Pepperidge Farms ones, I liked the chocolate creme the best. I keep forgetting to look for the Arnotts ones on the rare occasion I get to World Market.


Is there any "classic" literature (Hemingway, Dickens, Elliot, Bronte, Hugo, Wilde, etc.) that you would like to add to your collection?

I have downloaded most of them to my kindle, because most of them are free. but if there is something that you love that you would like to recommend to me in particular, I will cherish it!


candles and/or aroma melts: yay or nay?

Yay to both! I like spicy foody scents ("fall" scents) mostly, and fruity foody scents for summer. Lemon pie, key lime, and always, always vanilla.

Get your music player, what are the first 13 songs on Random?

Astrological charts and interpretation/ reports?

I would love this, but have no idea what time I was born. I think in the morning, around 7 am, but it's not on my birth certificate and both of my parents are gone.


So how does everyone feel about receiving ebooks?

I have a kindle, so ebooks are good!


March 11


Would you rather have HUGE list of things your witchee wants to try or just a highlight list?

Huge list is good, more chance that I will have something on it! I am not good enough at "if she likes ___, she will like ______"


March 10


Baked Goods? Yea Nay?

Yay! Preferably with the recipe included if you are willing to share.


If not Baked goods and you are changing eating habits..a book of recipes perhaps that will help the new eating lifestyle?

I like recipe books. For baked goods and vegetarian recipes. I also like those little spiral books that local groups make as fundraisers - you know, where people contribute recipes. I love those!!


If you were to make an order RIGHT NOW (Not that any of you will make any bpal orders until SW is over, because you do NOT want to mess up any plans your witch might have!) What would you order (from lab, forum, DD, TradingPost, etc)

Lab: another bottle of Western Diamondback to age, since I opened my 8 month old bottle and it is WTFOMG gorgeous. Now. A bottle of Black Rider, but I do want to try Red and White and probably should before I decide Black is the one for me. A bottle of Smut 2011. So much sweeter and less boozey on me than 2010. TP: Snake Oil Bath Oil, I need moar! And I think maybe the Glowing Vulva bath oil. And another bottle of Spanked. And Kitty sounds very nice! And TAL: a bottle of Anthelion & a bottle of Joy


What level of nudity are you fine with on items? Ex: none, tasteful, erotica

tasteful is good - someone said "if I can call it art"


I know the ?airre asked about gently used books and if you like garage sales, but would you like other kinds of gently used items that may have come from a garage sale?

Gently used is awesome. I shop a lot at the local consignment/donation shops and love them! I am looking for that maxi dress mentioned above to turn into a skirt!


Do you like cooking seasonings, like the kind you can get in ounce sizes? If so, things you'd love to try out?

I love cinnamon, and put it in my coffee before brewing every morning. So I go through a lot! I also like garlic, lemon pepper, and sea salts. I have been really pleased with the different kinds of salts that I have found.


Do you like any particular kinds of green or black teas or coffees that could also be gotten in bulk?

I am pretty flexible with tea and coffee. I like most kinds! I do prefer darker roast coffee.


Favorite snack foods (and can they be from bulk section as well?)

Depends on my mood, sometimes sweet, sometimes salty. Cheez-it crackers are awesome, raw almonds, chocolate... I like freeze dried fruit, the crunchy kind, but I don't know if that is available in bulk. It is hard to find, sometimes. I want to try dried mulberries - I loved mulberries as a kid, and had not idea you could get them dried until I saw it in a magazine.

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