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Valentine's Swap Questions ^_^

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I'm going to copy the original questions + the ones added later (minus personal information) so it's all in one place.



Anything you specifically don’t want (do you not like fur or have too much

soap already etc.)?

Nope, nothing.


Fave colors:

Green, orange, red.


Fave Scent notes:

Amber, spices, vanilla, red musk -- warm and/or spicy stuff, basically. I also like lavender, and am attempting to rediscover a love for rose.


Fave flavors:

Spice (cinnamon, chili pepper, nutmeg, etc.), vanilla, orange, cherry, lavender, jasmine.


Do you prefer “traditional” or anatomical hearts?

Anatomical, but I like both.


Fave flower:

Tiger lily.


Favorite candy/chocolate/dessert:

Dark chocolate in general...no preference otherwise.


Fave Author/Poet:

Neil Gaiman, Margaret Atwood, ee cummings


What kind of poems do you like?

I enjoy all kinds.


Sock size:

Er, medium?


Shirt Size:



Would you like makeup/lip balm/nail polish?

Sure! I could especially use some new lip balms/glosses/tints/whatever. Plum, red, pink, brown, mauve...anything but coral/orange and blue, purple, and other such wilder colours. I can also always use more nail polish -- any colour for that.


Would you like bath/body stuff?



Would you like hair accesories/clips?

Alas, my hair is too short.


Would you like candles,incense, or wax tarts?

Absolutely -- particularly fond of incense.


Would you be offended by things of a risqué/adult nature (nipple pasties, genital shaped soap or chocolate, etc.)?

Not at all, rather the opposite. :lol:


Anything else you want your swapper to know?

Not that I can think of at the moment.


Wishlist links:



Would you prefer a poem or romance novel & what type of romance novel?

I like both, and am basically easy to please. If a romance novel, one without too much damsel in distress action is always good.


How do you feel about burned mix cds (good time for mood music *giggle*)?

Definitely in favor.


Do you have metal/ jewelry allergies?



Do you bake/would you be interested in baked goods or related mixes?

Yes! I love baking, and I love eating baked goods.


Do you like cute stationery, stickers, note cards, stuff like that?

Absolutely! Note cards especially.


Do you like tea? If so, do you prefer your tea loose or in tea bags?

I do, and I don't have a preference between loose leaf and bags. I'd say mint tea is the only thing that doesn't really do it for me.


What is your favorite Valentine candy?

Don't actually have one.


Would you enjoy some loose beads for your own crafts, or any other crafty bits?

I paint and sketch, so small bits toward that would be lovely. Most stuff for those two tends to be more pricey, but I have nothing against those super cheap acrylic paints, cheap erasers, whatever.


Would you rather get things all together or in a couple of doses?

No preference!


Kid/Parent/church lady safe or not?

Definitely not necessary.


Length of necklace, size of bracelet, post or dangle earrings preferred?

I don't have a necklace length preference, and don't really wear bracelets (I break them too easily). Dangle earrings are preferred, but I wear both. I prefer post earrings on the small side, because my piercings are rather close together.


Stuffed critters or other things of the cuddly variety?

Love them!


Would you mind receiving an in person delivery from your Cupid?

With forewarning that would be awesome, but I don't think anyone lives in my area.


For those who don't do jewelry/have a prohibitive amount of metal sensitivities, etc., would you prefer something like a keychain charm or other little ornamental thing?

I don't have any sensitivities, but I'd still love anything like that.


For you chocolate lovers - do you like yours plain or with nuts? If nuts are good, which kind?

I like both! Almonds are my favorite. I do not like peanuts, but otherwise we're good to go.


Do you like hot cocoa?

Yes! All kinds. (I sometimes feel sorry for my Cupid...I know I'm terribly unhelpful sometimes.)


Does anyone have any strong objection to gently used items?

Nope, none at all! As long as it's not like, gently used edible panties or something.

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