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Tummy Love

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Valentina recently asked about favorite romantic movies and Snarky, as is her MO, twisted it all back to the tummy. She suspects this close association between heart and hunger is genetic as her entire family has spent a combined gazillion hours of their most memorable moments either consuming, making, or planning meals.




As per her comment on Valentina's blog, Snarky's all time favorite "it's all about the food" movie is "Tampopo". This is a classic of not only modern Japanese cinema, but of all foodie cinema the world over. It is a collection of short stories concerning various people and their obsessions with food. There's a main story involving a John Wayne-esque ramen-loving trucker (I kid you not) and a struggling noodle shop widow. This was the first movie that opened my eyes to food as love-play (and no, I hadn't seen "9 1/2 Weeks" yet) and sparked my life-long romance with teh ramen noodles :thud:.


This just says everything Snarky wants to say about how important food is in her life.


Other movies that come to mind are "Like Water for Chocolate" (Snarky still wants to make some of the recipes in the book), "Babette's Feast", "Big Night", and "Eat Drink Man Woman". She does not count that one with Penelope Cruz ("Woman on Top"?), because it was just. Not. Good. Bleah. So much wasted potential. Maybe it was because the "rival suitor" was the same actor from that meh sitcom "Good Morning Miami", also he played the optomotrist Miranda faked orgasms with on "Sex in the City".


What are your favorite foodie movies?


Today, thanks to Valentina, Snarky smells of Al-Shairan.

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Snarky, I just returned from the bookstore, ostensibly to purchase the next book that my book group would be reading. Of course, I had to do a quick circle around the newer titles, and there was a book called "Insatiable," :P by the food writer/restaurant critic Gael Green. If the title alone wasn't enough to compel me to buy it, the subject matters are food, sex and all manner of sensual indulgence. It has recipes in some of the chapters, and the back cover has a comment by the author stating something about the greatest discoveries of the 20th Century being the Cuisinart and the clitoris. Well, call it sold. Tummy love and love and letting the senses do their thing is what it's all about, sister!


ETA: I love "Big Night" so much that I even own the soundtrack. I put it on when I cook Italian. And "Like Water For Chocolate" is, of course, fabulous. Actually, "Moonstruck" has that scene where Olympia Dukakis is making this breakfast dish that's French bread with a hole cut in the middle to hold an egg with some tomato paste on top, then cooked on a hot fry pan or grill. I have tried that sort of thing and it's yummy as all get-out.

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That book just flew to the top of Snarky's "to read" list! :P


She still has a copy of Eat Me! somewhere in the boxed up library. The Mister bought a book written by a food critic (something and sapphires... ) when we was stuck in the Northwest alone for a month.


Snarky forgot about the egg dish from "Moonstruck" but it sounds a lot like what the two main male characters in "V for Vendetta" prepare for Evey (sans the tomato paste) and now Snarky has a fierce craving for some eggs. :P

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