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Books for 2011

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Books read/started/finished/etc. in 2011.


Read Entirely in 2011

1. I Shall Wear Midnight - Terry Pratchett (F) (YA) (S) (368 pages)

2. Lord John and the Hand of Devils - Diana Gabaldon (F) (SW) (S)

3. Hellboy: The Wild Hunt - Mike Mignola (F)(GN) (S)

4. Rough Country - John Sanford (S)(M)

5. Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins (F)(S)(YA)

6. Steampunk - Ann & Jeff VanderMeer (SF) (SW) (400 pages)

7. Bread and Butter Indian - Anne Culver (YA) (R )

8. Graphic Classics Edgar Allen Poe (GN) (partial reread for text)

9. The Shadows (Elsewhere Book 1) - Jacqueline West (YA) (F)

10. Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan (YA) (F) (S)

11. Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins (F)(S)(YA)

12. Mad With Wonder - Frank Beddor, Sami Makkonen (GN) (F)

13. Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters - Rick Riordan (YA) (F) (S)

14. Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins (F)(S)(YA)

15. Mystery and Dream - Charles DeLint (F)

16. The Titan's Curse - Rick Riordan (YA) (F) (S)

17. The Battle of the Labyrinth - Rick Riordan (YA)(F)(S)

18. The Last Olympian - Rick Riordan (YA)(F)(S)

19. Pale Demon - Kim Harrison (F)(V)(S)

20. The Blue Castle - L.M. Montgomery (YA) (R )

21. Muse and Reverie - Charles de Lint (F)(SW)

22. River Marked - Patricia Briggs (S)(V)

23. The Mystery of Grace - Charles de Lint (F)

24. The Painted Boy - Charles de Lint (F)(YA)

25. Three Shadows - Cyril Pedrosa (GN) (F)

26. Burn - Nevada Barr (S)(M)

27. Dingo - Charles de Lint (F)(YA)

28. Circle of Magic: Sandry's Book - Tamora Pierce (YA)(F)(S)

29. Widdershins - Charles de Lint (F)

30. Chalice - Robin McKinley (F)®

31. Armagaddon's Children - Terry Brooks (F) ©

32. Elves of Cintra - Terry Brooks (S)(F)

33. Storm Born - Rachelle Mead (S)(V)(F)

34. The Black Swan - Lee Carroll (S)(V)(F)

35. Angel Fire East - Terry Brooks (S)(F)

36. Thorn Queen - Rachelle Mead (S)(V)(F)

37. Freedom - Daniel Suarez (S) (SF)

38. Daemon - Daniel Suarez (S)(SF)

39. Bad Boy - Peter Robinson (S)(M)

40. Santa Olivia - Jacqueline Carey (F)(V)

41. Rotters - Daniel Kraus (YA)

42. The Watchtower - Lee Carrol (S)(F)

43. Iron Crowned - Rachelle Mead (S)(V)(F)

44. Downtown Owl - Chuck Klastermam

45. Rule 34 - Charles Stross (SF) (S)

46. Endangered Species (Lost novelizations) (S)(SF)(F)

47. A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens ®


Chapter books read with Son

1. The Daring Adventures of Penhaligon Brush - S. Jones Rogan (2010)

2. The London Eye Mystery

3. The Curse of the Romeny Wolves - S. Jones Rogan

4. Leprechaun in Late Winter (MTH 43)

5. Crazy Day with Cobras (MTH 45)

6. Tales from the Oddessey v1

7. Tales from the Oddessey v2

8. D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths

9. D'Aulares Norse Gods and Monsters ®

10. Greek something

11.Greek something

12. The Lightning Thief

13. Sea of Monsters

14. The Titan's Curse

15. The Red Pyramid

16. Abarat

17. The Halloween Tree - Ray Bradbury

18. Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident



Started in 2010 or before, finished in 2011


In progress (if not started in 2011, starting year in parens)

Ulysses - James Joyce (started 2005, completely restarted in 2011)

Who Let the Dogs In - Molly Ivins (2008) (SW) (NF)

Everything You Know About God is Wrong - Russ Kick (NF) (SW) (2010)

Dances With Dragons - George R.R. Martin (S)(F)

Halloween - Paula Guran (SW) (F)

Artimis Fowl - Eoin Cofer (S)(YA)(F)




Island of the Could Not Finish


Some coding:(AOC) = Author of Color(F) = Fantasy(GN) = Graphic Novel(M) = Mystery(NF) = Non-fiction(R ) = Reread(S) = Series(SF) = Science Fiction(SW) = Short Works(V) = Vampires, werewolves, and witches, oh my!(YA) = Young Adult

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