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2010 Reading Analysis

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This year may be the year that gets me to start tracking pages read; because while I did not come terribly close to 100 books (totaling 82 books in their entirety, 84 with the ones started before 2010, although 132/4 with the ones read with my son, but I typically don’t count those toward my own totals) I would be willing to bet that I came pretty close to my page totals for previous years, thanks largely to discovering Diana Gabaldon and rereading the entire Harry Potter series. I also did a lot of magazine and other non-tracked reading (I am not counting skimming through pregnancy and baby-care books, for example) and had a fair amount of external distraction (hello new baby and having not been totally alone in my house since May).


Just skimming, this year had fewer really short (>300 pages) YA and urban fantasy/paranormal romance sorts of books, fewer graphic novels which I tend to polish off in a few hours as most, and a lot more really dense, really long books.


Some quick totals:


82 books read in their entirety.

2 books finished from previous years.

50 chapter books read in whole or in part with my son.

4 books which I just could not finish – interestingly, all by authors that I have really enjoyed in the past and 3 of which were installments in series where I’ve enjoyed the other books.


Of the 82 books I read in full, they breakdown along my coding as follows:


Author of Color – 1 (wow, that’s pathetic)

Fantasy – 44 (my most common genre this year with 5 more than last year)

Graphic Novel – 19 (hum, actually 2 more than last year- but at least two of what I categorized as GN were fairly long)

Mystery - 3 (way fewer straight mysteries this year than in the past – probably because I’m completely caught up with the series I read and haven’t introduced any new ones)

Non-fiction – 1

Reread – 15 total rereads and 2 graphic novel adaptations where I’d read the original story, but not the adaptation

Series –60

Science Fiction – 9

Short Works – 9

Vampires, werewolves, and witches, oh my! – 25 (3 more than last year, maybe because I included the 7 HPs?)

Young Adult – 16 (way fewer than last year and tending toward the longer end (i.e. 300 plus pages))


Interestingly, even with almost ¾ of my reading being from series, nearly half – 40 total- unique authors are represented, with 12 totally new authors this year.

That’s about the same number of unique authors, although fewer new ones this year.

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