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Note Analysis: Honey

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Continuation of the my note analysis.


The hunt for a beautiful Honey scent came hard on the heels of my experimentation with leather, lilac, and lavender. I figured that since I loved honey and mead, I would love the smell of honey. This has since proven a falsehood. For whatever reason, the BPal honey note and I have a love/hate relationship. I keep trying it in the hope that THIS time it'll blossom into something spectacular, and it keeps hating my skin chemistry and turning out either 'bleh', or outright 'ugh'. The biggest disappointment was Milk Moon and Mead Moon. Both smelled incredibly similar with a heavy sweet milk note (which did not appeal to me) and very little of the honey I craved (or any spice from the mead moon for that matter). Needless to say I was not happy. At this point I am still on the hunt for the perfect honey scent for me. Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand and Door are the only heavy honey note that I've found works for me so far and in AMMS, the honey is only one of a myriad of notes that makes AMMS one of my favorite scents, while with Door, the chamomile has to be playing nicely that day for it to work.


The Lab's honey notes: The lab's honey note is often overshadowed by the other notes in the blend on me. It is often paired with the milk note or florals, neither of which work well with my skin chemistry. I was delighted by the release of the Rappaccini's Apiary and both Horse Chestnut and Tobacco Honey have renewed my faith finding a perfect heavy honey note blend.


My favorite blends with honey in them thus far: Horse Chestnut Honey, Tobacco Honey, Door, O.


Blends that I liked but the honey wasn't prominent: Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand, Hellcat, Kill-Devil.


Blends that were horrible on me: Milk Moon, Mead Moon, War, Bengal, Horreur Sympathique, Luperci


Blends that I still REALLY want to try: Tomoe Gozen, Nanny Ashtoreth (more for the leather then honey), Mommy Fortuna (incoming with my TLU set), Whoop (incoming), Chimera, Comforting Plush Companion.


*- Signifies ones I tried.


Lab's honey blends: (GC)

Everything in Rappaccini's Appiary

@51*, Alice*, Against Idleness and Mischief, Anathema, Athens, Bengal*, Bien Loin D'Ici*, Blood Kiss*, Chimera, Chuparosa, Cockaigne (The Phantom Islands), Dana O' Shee, Defututa, Delphi, Dragon's Milk*, Eden, Eos, Eros*, Euterpe (Muses), Eve*, Follow Me Boy, Hellcat*, Hermia, Hetairae*, Horreur Sympathique*, Jezebel*, Juliet, Kali*, Kill-Devil*, Les Bijoux, Lolita, Lustration, Meliai, New Orleans, Nostrum Remedium, O*, Ogun*, Osun*, Queen of Sheba*, Sed Non Satiata*, Shanghai, Skuld*, Slippery Poppy Tincture, Sudha Segara, The Lotus Tree, The Phantom Wooer, The Witch's Repast, Tiger Lily, Twilight*, White Rabbit*



Everything in Paduan Killer Bees

Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht*, Angeronalia, Al-Araaf, Anactoria, And There Was a Great Cry in Egypt (I), Aries, Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand*, Bat (III), Bat-Woman (I), Bearded Lady, Berry Moon*, Bilquis*, Black Heart*, Chewing Little Bits of String, Chintamani-Dhupa, Chiroptera, Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death (III), Comforting Plush Companion, Copper Phoenix*, Crib Girls, Cupid Complaining to Venus (II), Dawn: Maiden, Dawn: Mother, Door*, Ecstasy of True Love, Eisheth Zenunim*, Et Lux Fuit, Fairy Wine*, Faiza: the Black Mamba*, Fee, Flower Moon, Freak Show, Gennivre: L'Artiste du Diable*, Giant Vulva, Gluhwein, Gun Moll, Harikata, Hay Moon, Hearth, Hilma, Hony Mone, Honey Moon, Itaso Kansei Nenkan Joro No Fuzoku (II), Josie, Joyful Moon, Judith and Holofernes, Katrina van Tassel, Khajuraho, Klara, Lady Luck blues, Lady Una*, La Fee Verte, L'Estate, Libra, Litha*, Luperci*, Mad Kate, Man with Phallus Head, Maud Ruthyn, Mead Moon*, Metal Phoenix, Milk Moon*,Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller, Mommy Fortuna*, Morpho*, Now Winter Nights Enlarge, Ostara, Pepper, Pink Moon, Pink Phoenix, Polyhymnia (Muses), Pumpkin IV (2008), Pumpkin Patch I 2009, Ronin, Rose Moon, Sara Pezzini, Schlafende Baigneuse (III), Selkie*, Sibyl, Sleipnir, Spirit, Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree (III)*, Stinky, Svadhinaopatika, Thaleia (Muses), The Brides of Dracula, The Carpathian Mountains, The Death of Sardanapal (I), The Deserted Village, The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife, The Gaoler's Daughter, The Gladdener of all Hearts, The Horn of Amalthea, The Illustrated Woman*, The Infernal Lover*, The Masque, The Oblation, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, The Penitent Magdalen (I), The Wrestler Onogawa Kisaburo Blowing Smoke at a One-Eyed Monster, Thirteen (various years), Tissue, Tomoe Gozen, Trick #1 (06), Victorian Garden, Vilf*, Virgo, War*, Werepuppy, Wezwanie/Hod*, Whoop*, Womb Furie*

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