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BPAL Madness!
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Am I caught up yet?



First off, dear Witch, thank you for being so awesome! I wanted to say thank you for the wonderful decants earlier, but I have been running around like a crazy chicken, and I'm a little scattered at the moment.

I was so surprised to get that package, you have no idea. I know you said you were packing something up in your mail, but that was literally the day before the package arrived. So either that was the fastest package EVER, or you have minions! :lol: Magical minions of awesome. :D

Anyway, I have been having so much fun this weekend, testing things and making everyone else sniff them. My mother really liked Wild Swans at Coole(I was hoping she might). So a bottle of that might be making it's way into her stocking this year. ;) And the only reason I am able to make that call is because you are so awesome!

Thank you also for the reading! I think I might know what you are talking about. It does make sense. I only hope it isn't a warning not to go overboard purchasing Yules. ;)


Though I don't think you need it--because you are amazing-- here is some quick ketchup(just in case):




Today I got one of the Starbucks Halloween Bearista Bears - it's dressed like a werewolf! Is this something witchees might like? Not really my thing. They are cute, but have a tendency to become clutter around here.

Are you interested in Halloween costumes for your pet(s)?

No, thank you.



Do you prefer scented or unscented lotions/moisturizers?




So....let's say that you're my witchee, and you have an affinity for widgets. Let's also pretend that I sent you one of these widgets, but in a form that has a very special personal significance to me. Would you find that to be touching (in a "Yay, now I'll always use this and think of my witch!" way) or tacky (in a "My witch is making this all about her!" way)?

Anything of significance to you will be loved. But please do include the story of it, if it's not a glaringly obvious association.


Have you had a chance to try Halloweenies? If so, which ones are you really really in love with this year?

Pomegranate II is probably my favorite. I'm holding off on getting it-- because of SW, and deciding whether I wanted the whole patch... but I've decided it will probably be just that one(at the end of November)-- even thought the other poms are nice. Actually, so many of the 'Weenies this year were really nice, but I don't really *need* them. ;)


Pocket shrines! Would you like one, made for a particular obsession of yours?

Now that I have seen one, those are adorable. But no need to go out of your way, dear witch.



If you were my witchee, would you want to receive Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict, or wouldn't that be your cup of classics?

The title sounds interesting.


Would you like some homemade snack mix?



Knitterly Witchees, would you like a yarn bowl?

The one linked was lovely, but looks rather fragile.



What are you most interested in from the Yule update?

After looking at all of them and letting it sink in:

Harlequin and Columbine. But you don't have to worry about that, dear Witch. I have to get it, because it was one of my favorite stories as a child.:D

After that, Waltz of the Flowers, Sugar Plum Fairy, maybe Waltz of the Snowflakes, Autumn and Winter, and a few of the Christmas Carol ones-- but I haven't spent too much time contemplating. There is lots of time for Yule contemplation yet.

Oh, and the Butterfly, and maybe the Lilac Wood from the Last Unicorn.


But I think I am good for scents. You have spoiled me so much already with LE decants. Thank you!


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