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Sassy tangerine!

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What color, dahlings, is your underwear today? I'm wearing a tangerine-colored bra. Very sassy. And I have on a tangerine and yellow mesh bikini that ties on the sides.


And underneath the underwear, I'm wearing a combination of Tunisian Patchouli (from DSH) with O over the top. Damn, that is a fine combination. I think O is great alone, but I love it as a mixer.


Now this might be an interesting thing to track... I normally put my BPAL on prior to wearing underwear. Does the BPAL that I pick for that day affect the type of underwear that I pick? Ah, I have found a purpose for this blog... I'm going to track the influence of BPAL application upon my choice of lingerie.


My serious, Kinsey Report-like :twisted: analysis has begun...

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I'm wearing a boring bra, plain cream-colored. I have a very particular brand of bra I like, and I wear an unusual size, and they are *crazy* expensive. I snap them up when they turn up inexpensively on Ebay UK, but that happens so seldom, so I have very little choice of style.


Panties, on the other hand, are a total playground for me. Today, it's a string bikini in a red, black, and white newspaper headline print. I have something like 80-90 pairs at this point... Though I am thinking it's time to cycle some of the older pairs out of the collection to make room for more. I *love* shopping for underwear!

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Although I regularly clear out the older, rageddy pairs, I'm afraid I can never pass up a cute pair of underwear.


My collection has a few basic categories: 1) meshy, lacy sweet nothings for days I feel sexy. 2) Thongs from Club Fife I've been a monthly member for about a year now, and I *adore* them. 3) Other random things like dark colored bikini panties for my period, cheap VS cotton panties bought on sale, etc.


I absolutely, positively recommend Club Fife. They are spectacularly soft, almost like whisper-thin cottony suede. They're not the most glamorous looking panties, but they are the most comfortable underwear I have ever worn by *far*

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Why, I'm glad you asked! I'm wearing the pride of my underwear drawer, a bra by a company called Huit, and a pair of cheap white undies with a sparkly eskimo on the front. Of course, I dream of owning a fine lingerie collection that rivals the size of my BPAL stash. :smile:

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Why, I'm glad you asked! I'm wearing the pride of my underwear drawer, a bra by a company called Huit, and a pair of cheap white undies with a sparkly eskimo on the front. Of course, I dream of owning a fine lingerie collection that rivals the size of my BPAL stash. :smile:


Diva! I am working late tonight (I work for a state legislature and they're meeting late), but I'm really just in a hurry-up-and-wait mode. So I can check out the Huit web site! Wee! Thank you for the link!


Your undies sound really cute. Those sparkly winter-theme panties are some of my favorites.


And I dream of owning a BPAL stash that matches my underwear stash!! :)

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