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Doomblog Part II!

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Just in case it helps . . .




Would you like to receive international magazines, even if you don't speak the language it's written in, just to ogle the pictures or for the novelty of it? If yes, what kind of magazines, or what magazines in particular? That could be interesting and fun! No idea, though.

would you have interest in any of the new Christmas stuff from Lush?

I've tried snowcake samples and am not crazy about it. Not crazy about Bubble Gum flavored lip tint either, but the rest sounds like fun. I love Lush body powder and Noubar soap, too!

Oh, witchee-poo... if there was one bottle you could have from the NYCC exclusives, what would it be?

Probably Mount Misery--chestnuts, you say?--or Lady (mmm, sweetgrass!). Steeplechase sounds like a fun atmospheric, too.

If you were my witchee, would you mind a gift certificate where you'd have to do it old school style and mail it in with your order form?

No, that'd be fine!



Anyone like little seasonal decorative wreaths? Like gravevine wreaths embellished with silk flora, etc.? I really like these! My parents used to make gorgeous grapevine wreaths . . . Until the grapevine died. :eek:

Do any witchees need a Snuggie? No, I'm good.



So, who here loves pomegranates? Are the good as a fruit, a flavoring or just a scent? Love the fruit, love the Burt's Bees lip balm flavor, really enjoyed Bath & Bodyworks Midnight Pomegranate, although I'm set for lotions/creams in that scent. I'm curious about the Pomegranate Patch set, but not enough to buy them; in the past, I haven't gotten BPAL's pom scent to last very long on me.

Haunt Update? I thought they closed?! I really liked their Candy Corn lip lust!



Villainess has an update. Anyone wanting anything from it? My boyfriend is crazy about their soaps. I'm curious about Cobwebs and Smashing.

how are all the witchees fixed for purses--lunchbags, etc? I like them!

Now, I have a question for you. About notes. Which are your favourite ones? Do you have a kind of "note top ten?" Anything that works particularly well on you? Do you have a perfume category (foody, floral, aquatic, musky) that you favour? And are there any notes you have never tried, but think would work well on you? My favorites are plum, lily, ivy, pumpkin, vanilla, some leathers, some sugars (like Dorian, for example). I really, really want something that smells like old books--something papery--but I haven't found one that doesn't bury the paper/pages smell under some other scent, such as lavender or leather.

Would you like a sugar skull decorated by your witch? Or do you like sugar skull stuff in general? Absolutely! I think they're awesome!



Is there one scent that is your goto for comfort on a bad stressful day? Like the perfume equivilent of a security blankie?

Antique Lace always, always smells good; I can wear it around people who don't care for BPAL, and I can even wear it to church, weddings, etc. Blue Moon is the fragrance I wear when I'm super stressed/upset and need to calm down and go to sleep. Probably the most "security blanket" fragrance I have is actually a Mara Fox Love Potion Perfume: Raven Moon, 2006 vintage. It's just instant calm and happiness. I'd love to have more of this, but it's hard to find these days, in part because bottle/cap issues resulted in spillage. Needless to say, I am not concerned about an ugly/half-empty Raven Moon bottle. I'll take 2006 Raven Moon any way I can get it.

What are you going to be for Halloween?

Not sure yet. Thought about Daria from MTV, but I don't have the skirt. My boyfriend wants to go as Macbeth/Lady Macbeth. I'm thinking more of Lizzie Borden.



If you could make a scent that represents where you live (or have lived), what would be the ingredients?

Blackberries, green grass, woods, lots of ivy.

Are you in need of Roller bottles or anything of the like? I'm almost out of roller bottles, and I'd really like some new wand caps. I'm also completely out of sample vials.



Just curious, but if your witch was to make an amigurumi critter (or other plushie) just for you, what would it be? No idea!

Would you want a local/tourist item from your witch? Like a t-shirt, mug or shot glass? Sure!

Okay, who wants NAlloween and some Vampire Apothecary goodness? I don't follow NA much, but their old "Pharoah's Revenge" scent is one of my favorite of all time. Never tried Vampire Apothecary.

Venomous Villains? *goes to Google* Whoa, these exist?? How cool is that?

Last Unicorn?

Possibly my favorite book. Can still quote passages. Not as crazy about the movie--Mia Farrow, arrgh--but I loved it when I was a kid.

Who is your fav Disney Villian/villianess? How about hero/herione? (doesn't have to be specifically Disney though)

Villain? Maleficent all the way. Hero/heroine? A bit harder, there . . . Probably Belle and the Beast.



Do you collect stones/rocks? I'm talking like "semi" precious stones, ie moonstone, bloodstone, quartz ect. Are there any that you're looking for at the moment? Are you in need of a stone but don't know which kind?

What's your favorite Halloween Music?

I like the collection Rob Zombie put together (Halloween Hootenanny). The Ramones have GREAT Halloween songs (Texas Chainsaw Massacree!). I also love the retro stuff, including a collection I found on iTunes of really, really old songs from the 30s, such as "Skeleton in the Closet" and "Tain't No Sin To Take Off Your Skin (and Dance Around in Your Bones").



Do you have a deviantart print wishlist or favourites list?

No, sorry. Just never had the time to do that.

Is there anything from Blooddrop that you want to try? GC? Halloween update?

I haven't tried much Blooddrop. I'd be interested in 8:30 a.m., Apples & Bones, Casting a Spell, Exorcism, Hearing Voices, Incantation, Jill-o-Lantern, Raising the Dead, Sinister. From the GC list, I'm curious about Broomstick, Pumpkin, White Pumpkin. I've never tried any of their products except the oils.

What kind of shoes do you need/want? What size shoes do you wear? Would you mind gently used shoes?

I adore shoes. I don't mind gently-used, either--just bought a pair of black leather cowboy boots from the Goodwill! I'm crazy about sandals, especially old-fashioned Aigner leather thong sandals, and Chuck Taylors. I have Chucks in blue, red, Christmas plaid with bells, and Candy-cane striped. I can always use laces for these, and I'd love a pair suitable for Halloween. (I usually wear 5.5-6 for Chucks, and size 8 for most everything else.) I don't generally like high and pointy high heels, but the more-platform style are fine; I just need something a little more substantial to keep my balance. I've been looking for a cool Edwardian-style of shoes or even granny boots for a costume.

Do you like paper dolls (new or vintage) or coloring in books?

I used to unwind with coloring books when I was in college (don't laugh!) but these days just don't have the time. I like coloring with my nephews, however. I still love my colored pencil and oil pastel sets.

Do you like weird scary things as traditionally girly fashion items like heels and handbags?


What song is on heavy rotation for you right now? My "Halloween Hootenanny" CD. :blush2:

Are you coveting any of the NYCC atmospheric sprays?

They sound cool, but I generally think the sprays are a bit pricey for me.

If you have played before, what are some of the most memorable things you've gotten? What really made you go WOW? If you haven't played, same thing, but not limited to SW.

My carousel horse photographs, handmade jewelry and costume pieces, mix CDs of new music, fragrances that I had never tried (or thought impossible to get), toys for my poodle, my Victorian Wonder Woman action figure!



Do you like garlic? Do you REALLY like garlic? Would you want to try some really unusual garlic stuff, like garlic cheese or garlic fudge or garlic chocolate, etc., etc., etc.?

Sounds like fun! Not sure about the chocolate, but the cheese and such would be fun.

Can I talk to you about the living dead? How do you feel about Zombies?

I love vampires, revenants, and occasionally zombie stories, although zombies are more of my boyfriend's thing. We already have All Flesh Must Be Eaten, almost every zombie movie ever made, and the Zombie Survival Handbook. Not crazy about Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. You know how every zombie movie seems to have a zombie in a wedding dress? Wedding zombie is my favorite! :D



If you happened to be my Witchee, is there something you'd like from the Arcana Halloween update?

I'd love to try all of it! I don't actually need much soap right now, but I'd like to try the new scents, particularly the Skeleton Key oil. I do have the older oils I need, including Straitjacket, but the new Halloween/late summer stuff looks really good.

How many bottles of BPAL do you have?

I have a box of "current rotation" oils, a box of "out of season" and backup oils, and a tiny box of TALs. I also have a swapbox, but as those are on their way out the door, they don't count, right? ;) I also keep a collection of empty bottles, especially the literary ones--my Poe stories is almost complete!

Is there any exercise program that you're interesting in learning? Meditation, Yoga, Pilates, Belly Dancing, Zumba ect? Or if you do any of these (or anything else sport related) are there any things you need/want? Candles, music, mats, water bottles ect?

I used to do tai chi, something I'd like to go back and learn more about eventually. My exercise routine is usually more vigorous and pedestrian: elliptical, weight machines, go home. I love listening to my iPod while I work out, however, and reading magazines. Funny towels or water bottles are always welcome.

Anyone else into Emily Autumn?

No, but she's been recommended to me. Feel free to fix my ignorance!

What's on your walls? Please show us up to three paintings/posters/whatever.

A series of old-fashioned carousel photographs, a Wonder Woman poster, a Dore engraving from "The Raven."

If you love a painting so much that you would steal (to watch it with your greedy eyes) one, please share.

Raphael's St. George and the Dragon. It's like a perfect, brilliant little jewel.

do you like Girl Scout cookies? What kind? Thin Mints!

What's your take on homemade apple butter? Want some?

Love it. Very homey. Probably don't need it--trying to avoid the sugar/bread business.

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