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SW Q&A September 16th



If I were to knit a scarf, would you prefer a skinny one, or a wide one? A short one, that when wrapped once around your neck will just tuck under your jacket, or a long one, at least to your waist? Wide and long, please. (As I edit this, I realize how wrong it sounds. But, hey, I could have said thick. I am being a good little monkey. Yes...) ;)


Don't like scarves? Would a rectangular shawl or triangular shawl be more to your taste? I do like scarves! But a shawl would be gorgeous as well. Dear Witch, please don't feel that such an amount of effort is necessary. It would be stellar, true, but that's a lot of effort, and I hope you are taking time to allow yourself to be spoiled by your Witch as well(because you are awesome and deserve it).


How do you feel about recipes? Recipes are wonderful jump off points for culinary creativity.


What kind of a cook/baker are you? I am the kind of cook/baker who comes up with spur of the moment things, or adds in an interesting ingredient on a whim. I also fly by the seat of my pants and forget about the existence of recipes sometimes...Okay, alot.


Are you happiest calling for delivery or microwaving a lean cuisine, Or will Food Network be asking you to host their new program? I love to cook and bake, and it usually turns out decent. I would be absolutely thrilled if Food Network signed me for Usagi's Fabulous Ghetto Kitchen Fiesta ('ghetto' because, you know how sometimes all you have in your kitchen is hot sauce, lettuce, scrambled, eggs, pickled things, and some cottage cheese? I can probably make a pretty decent meal from that).


If I send you something home made would you like the recipe for it? Oh, please, yes.


If you are someone who doesn't want baked goods sent, would you like a collection of some of my favorite recipes? You can send me all the baked goods you want, but if you want to share some of your favorite recipes, I would love it.


How about home made mixes or kits? Kind of like the cookie in a jar thing, where you would need to add the perishable ingredients? Awesome.


If you are a tea lover, what are your flavor preferences? Green? Black? Herbal (I know, technically those are NOT teas, but tisanes)? Flavored blacks/greens? I love tea. I prefer green, white, and herbal. Black tea tends to be a bit strong for me, caffeine-wise, but I love Earl Grey(yes, it does come in green, white, and decaf as well!:D), and have some black teas that are kind of like my "treat" teas. Adagio has a host of flavored teas that sound fabulous(and I know some of them are, because i have tried them).


Weeee! I caught up!


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