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Let's watch some sports! *cheer*

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Yes, the title is sarcastic. I do not understand the excitement of cultivating your ulcer around some dudes running around. DH isn't a huge football fan, thank goodness -- his drug of choice is basketball. So 5 guys running up and down the court dictate not only his mood for the evening, but it dictates our evening:


--we have to watch the pregame yakking about what a great game this will be. But I can understand anticipation (Update Speculation thread, anyone? :huh?: )


--then it's the game, 2-3 hours of tense up-and-down, back-and-forth *yawn* At least DH isn't yelling at the TV during all this.


--don't forget, after the game it's post-game commentary! Oh goody. Lots of yakking about how the game went. If the team won then everyone played great against formidable opponents. If the team didn't win then it's the refs' fault.


I'm just bitter because I want to watch CSI reruns instead.

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I grew up in a sports-obsessed family. I didn't know any better for a long time, and I used to watch it out of sheer habit, but now I can't watch sit still for more than 5 or 10 minutes of a football, basketball or baseball game. It's soooooo tiresome. I think the rest of my family wants to do DNA testing on me, because they consider it proof that I am not biologically related to them, because I won't watch that stuff.


Now, I've actually watched bits of the Miami Heat games recently (by "bits," I mean I'll check the score every now and then while I'm watching something else) because when Pat Riley (the coach of the Heat) was younger, he was pretty hot, but now he's showing some miles. I'd always, always, always opt for CSI reruns!


The good news is that you do the computer to yourself during the games!!! :D

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Oh, I can't stand the post-game commentary ... the good stuff's over and you'll be listening to the sports radio in the morning, can't we do something else now?


The sports themselves, I'm mixed about. My family got into baseball in a major way when I was in junior high - at first I took a book to the games, then I too got into the madness & later added hockey after reading Wayne Gretzky's autobiography. When I moved off to college, I found myself never keeping up with any sports - it was all something vaguely interesting my brother would tell me about. I still enjoy going to the games on family vacations, but the only way I'd watch them on tv would be if I had some big knitting project to occupy me & keep my brain going, & there was no one else at home to object!


Lately I've been watching the Mavericks game with Jason because basketball's the only sport he's really into. It's all still a bit too random & fast-paced for me (they couldn't keep the other team from scoring for four seconds?!!?!), but at least these last few games have been pretty suspenseful.

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Why yes, spanishviolet, it's the Mavericks! You're in the same boat? :D Do you get to listen to the Ben & Skin 2-hour post-game extravaganza too?


It would be cool if the Mavs won the whole thing, I guess, but I don't have a vested interest. If only to show that here in Dallas not all of us are scheming on our lanai on Southfork Ranch drinking highballs in our 10-gallon hats.

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