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SW questions part 2

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Since the other entry was getting ridiculously long, I thought I'd answer the newer questions here.


So, starting with the questions from the 11th,


One Concert Gaelic Storm or Carrie Newcomer. They're too different to compare directly.


Soundtracks St. Trinians, either movie. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The Brandy version of Rogers' and Hamerstein's Cinderella Erm, a lot of the others I could think of I've already gotten out of the library.


Music shuffle Yoda ~ Weird Al

Don't Cry for me, Argentina ~ Madonna (from the motion picture soundtrack of Evita)

When Napi Roasted Gophers ~ Jack Gladstone

Anakin and Padme theme ~ John Williams

The Wisdom of Snow ~ Trans Siberian Orchestra

The Gathering of Spirits ~ Carrie Newcomer

Anastasia Prologue ~ Anastasia Soundtrack

Seven Years in Tibet ~ John Williams

Attack at the Wall (score) ~ Mulan

Santa Fe ~ Rent Soundtrack


So apparently my random button like Star Wars, soundtracks, and instrumental music. With a tiny bit of modern folk to round it off.


Craft Supplies Love. Especially stones to use for wire-wrapping, as I have more yarn bits than I know what to do with right now.


BPTP update I haven't ordered any of it for myself. The Sagardoa soap looks interesting, but nothing else there is super appealing. I keep meaning to get the Snake Oil bath oil, but I haven't done so yet.


International Treats I will never turn down more Tim Tams, or the English digestive biscuits, but no, there's nothing I'm craving.


3 BPAL Bottles falling into my hands The Harp of C'Noc whatshisface, Womb Furie, Dee.


Marzipan Yummy, especially when coated in milk chocolate.


Flowers and plants Awesome in all forms.


Console Games Don't play any of them.


Vampires, shows, books A big nay for me. Vampires never really caught my imagination.


Cake Truffles I'm not a huge cake person. But carrot cake, with cream cheese icing, and white chocolate/milk chocolate coating does sound good.


Journals/Notebooks I already have a couple that I barely use. Sketchbooks would get handed over to my sister or brother, both of whom are more focused on traditional art mediums


Decorate for Holidays Not much, but a bit. My personal taste is more towards the elegant, with bits of silliness.


Sports Not my thing.


Foodie I like cooking and I like a lot of food/baked goods scents in candles and such.


Imperfect gifts I'd still love it. Imperfections give character, and a lot of time the flaw can become my favorite part of it. Heaven knows, a lot of times people have said that they loved the random quick fixes I added to something more than the original concept.


Homemade bath products Would love intensely.


Countries I'm interested in Wales, England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, India, Greece, Israel.


Listen to often No MP3 player, but the 5 star auto ratings on my computer suggest Carrie Newcomer, random Disney soundtracks, and Celtic music are highest.


Sending/receiving letters Would love this.


Last vacation Does picking up my little brother from college count? It's mostly been visiting family members, and we haven't done that much in recent years.


Microsoft or Apple Microsoft. I had a couple horrible experiences with Macs with college lab assignments and not being compatible with my own computer, so I'm rather prejudiced against Macs now.


Spices Savory: Garlic, Rosemary, Ginger Sweet: Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmeg.


Tea Cosy Not really, I tend to brew by the cup instead of the pot.


Chocolate and Bacon I've never really liked bacon to begin with.


Maple Sugar Candy Would love. My mother was born in Vermont and spent part of her childhood there, and she passed along the love of real maple sugar and syrup.


Listed all BPALs No, I don't have any place where they've all been listed, and I wouldn't know where to start listing them all, since I've passed so many along in swaps without reviewing if I didn't like them.


Contact I don't exactly crave contact, but I'd appreciate hearing from you regularly.


Top Five famous people I'd date Elijah Wood

Ewan McGregor

Christopher Judge

John Cho

Karl Urban


Make up I'm pretty sure I answered this elsewhere, but I'm pretty minimal in terms of makeup. I rarely wear it, though I should at least pick up a good foundation.


Timing of presents I have absolutely no preferences, this is at your disposal, witch of mine.


Vintage items Lack of storage space means I'll say no. I'm currently living in my parents home, and hoping to move out to a shared apartment. I'll be lucky to find space for all my books.


Favorite Soap etailer I haven't actually tried any soap etailer, though I'd love to try both Tarty's stuff and Villainess.


Making things on my wishlist I'd love that, if you can do it. That would just give it all the more meaning.


Some assembly required gifts I love learning crafts, or putting my own stamp on things, so yes, that sounds great.


Partial bottles As long as there's more than a drop or so in there, I'd love partials.


Homemade preserves Sounds interesting.


Stationary I'm not sure I'd get much use out of stationary paper. I'd love good pens.


Latest Lab updates Counting both the Dawn stuff and the Weenie, I'm interested in both Mother and Maiden from the Dawn series. From the Weenie, Lambswool, Boo, Flor de Muerte, and Pumpkin Latte


Chocolate, or other candy I love chocolate, milk chocolate by preference. I also love some of the more old-fashioned candies, like toffee, divinity (especially rosewater flavored), and marzipan. I've been spoiled by having a candymaker for a friend. In terms of modern, commercial candies, I love malt balls, Andes mints, and truffles of all sorts.


Tea, loose-leaf or bagged I drink both kinds, year round. There are times I like the convenience of a bag, and times I love the ritual of brewing loose leaves. In terms of flavors, I love Earl Grey and Lady Grey, and a lot of flavored black teas, like vanilla or blueberry. I love Adagio's Valentine's blend.


...I also like the powdered chai tea blends. I haven't had much luck brewing chai from scratch, and I love a good chai. (Yes I know, good chai and the random powdered mixes seems a contradiction in terms.) I love a cheap approximation of chai, then.


Knitted items I never remember to make things for myself. I'd love a shawl, or socks, as I haven't taught myself how to do socks yet. Keep getting distracted by baby blankets for people.


Character I resemble Book-wise, Vicky Austin, from Madeline L'Engle's books, especially from around Ring of Endless Light or Troubling a Star. TV: possibly Beverly Crusher, from Star Trek TNG.


Kitchen things I have multiple relatives who tend to store things and then give them to people when they're moving out and establishing themselves, I'm probably set for most things.


Music I don't have a preference as to live or studio, as they're both doing separate things. And the music I'm listening to mostly doesn't have explicit lyrics to get censored, but I'd prefer it not being censored, as that's interfering with the artist's conception of the song. If it's explicit, I just won't listen to it around small children or people whom I know don't like that kind of language.


Animal lover breeds I'm all for generic cat love, especially since my family tends to adopt ours from the stray cat population. Both of ours currently are part Bengal, and I do admit that I love their graceful lines and friendliness.


Favorite quotes/lines I've linked my livejournal, correct? There's a side panel with many favored quotes. I'll think of several others I wanted to mention immediately after I hit post, you understand.


Oh, but special points go to this line, from The Little Prince: "Others may forget this, but you must not. You remain, forever, responsible for what you have tamed." The entire passage with the Fox is beautiful, but that line resonates deeply.


Hard-to-find BPAL I haven't been really looking hard for it, but I would like to try either Were-puppy or Cake Smash. I wouldn't want to try something that was vanishingly rare, because then I'd love it and not be able to find more.


Hypothetical Children I don't have any children, so you don't have to worry about that.


Interesting things on the net I am actively involved in fandom, and would love fanfic recs for different series/media that I'm involved in. I especially love women getting to be awesome, people being competent at their jobs, and fics where friendships are important.


Cat macros/interesting graphs on graphjam/pretty fanvids in shows that I like you can also consider always awesome.


If you want specifics on fandoms I like, scroll back through my lj and interests, or send me another e-mail.


Last Meal Start off with mushroom tarts and rolls with either a good cinnamon/honey butter or pate to spread on top. Lobster bisque with a spinach salad and herbed bread for the next course, followed by spinach gnocchi with nutmeg sauce and either orange-glazed beets or cranberry sauce as a side. Dessert would be either a fruit crisp or chocolate-filled croissants. Or both. Mulled cider or hot tea to go next to everything.


And then I'd die in a dairy-filled coma. I tend to eat those foods separately for a reason, as they're all so rich.

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